Sunday, January 15, 2017

fumare piante

fumare  foglie della pianta, procurandosi allucinazioni ed euforia.

Piante allucinogeni Nativi americani

Quest'erba, giudicata in passato come l'oppio dei poveri, era largamente utilizzata come blando sedativo dalle proprietà ipnotiche e rilassanti, soprattutto attraverso il suo estratto, o come tintura. L'erba in questione è una variante della classica lattuga, facente parte della famiglia delle Asteracee (i progenitori dell'odierna lattuga), definita genericamente "lactuca sativa", si presenta sotto tre forme differenti:

Lactuca Virosa
Lactuca Canadennnis
Lactuca Serriola

Tutte e tre le tipologie presentano effetti psicoattivi, se consumate. Grazie alle ricerche di un italiano, Giorgio Samorini, editore del giornale Eleusis del Museo Civico di Rovereto, possiamo sapere l'utilizzo di questa pianta nel corso della storia antica. I loro effetti sono noti sin dall' antico Egitto: era la pianta associata alla dea della fertilità Min, ed era utilizzata sia a scopo sedativo che come afrodisiaco, estraendone il lattice biancastro che sgorga spontaneamente dopo aver praticato delle incisioni sul suo fusto.

L'erba era nota anche ai Romani ed ai Greci: attorno al 430 a.C., Ippocrate ne descrive le proprietà sedative, associando i suoi effetti al ben più raro, potente e costoso oppio. Spostandoci a Roma, Dioscoride Pedanio, naturalista e chirurgo spesso al seguito di campagne militari di Nerone attorno al primo secolo avanti Cristo, descrive le immagini ed i sogni indotti dall' utilizzo del lattice di lattuga velenosa. Plinio il Vecchio fa lo stesso, soffermandosi particolarmente sulle proprietà afrodisiache della pianta nella sua Naturalis Historia, descrivendola in questo modo: 

"Provoca sonnolenza, può raffreddare gli appetiti sessuali, purgare lo stomaco ed aumentare il volume del sangue".

Per arrivare poi ad Augusto, che fece erigere una statua in onore dell'infusione della lattuga selvatica, dichiarando che gli avesse salvato la vita. Saltando più avanti nel tempo, la lactuca sativa venne impiegata fino al XIX secolo come sostituto dell' oppio e studiata con cura dal Concilio della Società Farmaceutica della Gran Bretagna nel 1911, scoprendo le sostanze responsabili degli effetti psicoattivi di questa pianta: la lactucopicrina e la lactucina. Negi anni '70, venne utilizza in ambiente hippy come sostituto della marijuana e degli oppiacei.

La lattuga selvatica ha un duplice effetto, che varia in base alla dose assunta: fino ad un grammo di principio attivo, agisce come soppressore del dolore e calmante; a dosi più elevate, iniziano a fare effetto le sostanze simil-alcaloidi della pianta, inducendo stati di euforia e rilassatezza, simili per certi versi alla marijuana o all'oppio. Non porta assuefazione, anche se la si consuma in grandi quantità, e non provoca overdose, anche se il consumo eccessivo può portare ad effetti collaterali sgradevoli. Ma come veniva utilizzata questa pianta? Ci sono diverse metodologie per somministrare la lattuga selvatica:

- Infusi e tisane prodotti dalle foglie, soprattutto quelle esterne, che pare contengano più lattice
- Essiccazione delle foglie ed loro utilizzo in una mistura da fumare (come usavano gliHopi)
- Estrazione del lattice

I primi due metodi di utilizzo sono abbastanza semplici, e non richiedono spiegazioni. Per quanto riguarda invece l'estrazione del lattice, si può procedere in due modi differenti:

- Estrazione del lattice dalla pianta viva: tramite questa procedura, semplice e collaudata per l'estrazione di molti altri tipi di lattice, è possibile preservare la pianta integra per un successivo riutilizzo. Si tratta di incidere il fusto con un oggetto tagliente, e di raccogliere il lattice biancastro che fuoriesce dalla pianta nel corso di ore, ponendo un contenitore sotto l'incisione, utilizzando la stessa procedura dell' estrazione del caucciù.
- Estrazione del lattice per immersione: questa procedura richiede l'estirpazione ella pianta intera, che verrà messa in acqua per almeno 24 ore. La lactucopicrina e la lactucina, infatti, sono quasi totalmente solubili in acqua, il che consente di ottenere un "infuso a freddo" di acqua e principi attivi. Una volta che l'acqua sarà diventata marrone scuro, occorrerà filtrare il liquido dalle parti macerate della pianta, e lasciare evaporare fino ad ottenere una polvere marrone lucente (il lattice, esposto all'aria, assume una colorazione bruno-scuro). E' possibile forzare l'evaporazione con l'ebollizione, ma si corre il rischio di far deteriorare i cristalli di lattice, se sottoposti a fiamma viva o a temperatura eccessiva.

Gli Hopi utilizzavano prevalentemente il primo processo di estrazione descritto sopra, anche se probabilmente erano a conoscenza del secondo. Ottenevano una pasta marrone e gommosa, simile all' hashish, che mescolavano assieme alle altre erbe della mistura e fumavano durante la cerimonia della pipa, per ottenere visioni ed entrare in comunicazione con gli spiriti.

NB: Le informazioni relative la preparazione della lattuga per usi non alimentari, non vuole in alcun modo spingere le persone a farne uso, ma vengono riportate esclusivamente informazioni di carattere storico e culturale. LA DROGA UCCIDE, NON USATELA QUALSIASI ESSA SIA!!!
Il rosmarino come pianta alimentare e officinale è dotato di numerose proprietà che lo rendono prezioso sia in cucina che come rimedio naturale. Il rosmarino ha innanzitutto delle proprietà antiossidanti tanto che il suo estratto viene utilizzato proprio a questo scopo in ambito alimentare.
La ricerca scientifica sta approfondendo le proprietà del rosmarino che, secondo uno studio recente, insieme all’origano potrebbe essere utile per abbassare i livelli di glucosio nel sangue e dunque eventualmente per migliorare la prevenzione e la gestione del diabete di tipo 2. Il merito sarebbe degli antiossidanti presenti nel rosmarino, in particolare in alcune varietà coltivate in serra.
E’ poi molto recente la conferma della capacità dell’aroma del rosmarino, legato al suo olio essenziale, di migliorare la memoria. Uno studio di qualche tempo fa e un ulteriore studio conclusosi da poco hanno evidenziato che il profumo del rosmarino risulterebbe in grado di migliorare la memoria prospettica in soggetti di età superiore ai 65 anni.
Sono inoltre in corso di studio le proprietà anticancro del rosmarino. In particolare una sostanza contenuta nel rosmarino ha attirato l’attenzione dei ricercatori per la sua capacità di potenziare l’azione di alcuni farmaci chemioterapici.Rosmarino, Buono Anche da Fumare.
Chiunque può coltivare del tabacco in casa, grazie ad una legge regolamentata alla fine degli anni ’80 (precisamente dal 1986).
Ci sono, ovvio, alcuni limiti. Il primo riguarda il termine “uso personale”. Si intende “uso personale” in questo caso la coltivazione e il possesso di circa un migliaio di foglieIl secondo riguarda l’aspetto propriamente commercialenon si può vendere il tabacco coltivato in casa, per nessuna ragione al mondo.
Rispettati questi due limiti, potete stare tranquilli e produrvi il vostro tabacco. Ovviamente non è un’operazione semplice. Richiede pazienza, costanza nel curare la pianta e il tempo necessario perché dia i suoi frutti. 
Vi anticipiamo che non è facile far germinare il seme del tabacco e vi consigliamo vivamente di partire nettamente avvantaggiati: comprate i vasetti con le piantine germinate 😉
Che voi acquistiate le piantine germinate o decidete di farle germinare con cura e dedizione del miglior pollice verde, vi elenchiamo le diverse fasi della coltivazione:
  • Le piantine di tabacco vanno mantenute in vasetti e al sole per circa due settimane. Bagnatele quotidianamente (come lavarsi i denti). In questo modo si adatteranno al vostro ambiente domestico;
  • Dopo due settimane trapiantate le piantine in un terreno concimato. Lasciate tra una pianta e l’altra circa mezzo metro di spazio. Le piante di tabacco sono grandi e hanno bisogno del “loro spazio”;
  • Annaffiate le piante una volta al giorno. Non utilizzate fertilizzati e se proprio volete utilizzarli, fatelo il meno possibile;
  • Le piante di tabacco hanno dei fiori stupendi. Vostro malgrado dovrete tagliarli. Altrimenti impediranno alle foglie di svilupparsi;
  • Ci vorranno quattro mesi perché le foglie siano pronte e possiate tagliarle. Non tutte le foglie sono uguali. Se tagliate le foglie in alto avrete un tabacco dolce, mentre quelle in basso hanno un sapore più forte;
  • Una volta tagliate le foglie, dovete lasciarle esiccare in un luogo il più possibile asciutto e lontano da qualsiasi agente atmosferico;
  • Quando le foglie sono secche a sufficienza, per i vostri gusti, tritatele e mettete via il trinciato.
Come accennato in precedenza il tabacco non è una pianta facile da coltivare. Richiede, come molte altre piante, cura ed attenzioni costanti. Oltre che un terreno adeguato. Scartate l’idea di coltivare una pianta di tabacco sul balcone di casa, tanto per intenderci. 
I passaggi che vi abbiamo riportato sono stati semplificati ma non prendete paura. Se avete la possibilità, la volontà di dedicare cura alla pianta o alle piante che decidete di coltivare e quindi se avete passione, é un’esperienza che vale la pena di provare.
Magari non sarà buono, al primo tentativo per lo meno, come alcuni tabacchi che trovate in commercio ma ve lo immaginate il momento in cui rollerete la prima sigaretta con il tabacco fatto dalle vostre mani
La pianta DATURA STRAMONIUM detta anche erba del diavolo è una pianta diffusa in tante parti del pianeta ed appartiene alla famiglia delle Solanacee. I nomi “erba del diavolo” ed “erba delle streghe” si riferiscono alle sue proprietà allucinogene, sedative e narcotiche.
In passato era famosa per l'uso nei rituali magico-spirituali degli sciamani, dei druidi e dalle streghe europee. L’assunzione avviene prevalentemente bevendo decotti/tisane ma può essere anche fumata o masticata. Dopo una sensazione di euforia ed esaltazione spesso con allucinazioni si cade in stato di trans ipnotico. 

Si tratta di una pianta altamente velenosa a causa dell'elevata concentrazione di potenti alcaloidi, presenti in tutti i distretti della pianta e principalmente nelle radici e nei semi. Della pianta vengono talvolta utilizzate le foglie in forma di tisana, ma si riportano vari casi di decessianche per l’utilizzo di due soli grammi di foglie. La preparazione delle dosi, spesso gestita da inesperti, può essere fatale causando una paralisi del sistema respiratorio, istinti suicidi ed omicidi.

Un uso terapeutico, utilizzato in passato, consisteva in sigarette contenenti foglie di stramonium ed altre erbe medicinali per alleviare l’asma bronchiale, finché non furono evidenti gli effetti collaterali e la dipendenza che i pazienti subivano inevitabilmente fumando tutti i giorni tali sigarette.
Secodo la tradizione si tramanda che le streghe ne facessero uso anche nelle loro pozioni d'amore. Questa erba non veniva solo ingerita, ma era uno degli ingredienti degli unguenti che le donne si spalmavano e che veniva assorbito durante le danze dei sabba. L' effetto allucinogeno poteva essere simile a quello di un volo il che spiega la convinzione, piu' volte ribadita nelle confessioni, di aver attraversato i cieli trasportate dal demonio, il famoso "volo delle streghe".

In secoli più recenti veniva usata da malfattori per intontire le proprie vittime, spesso viandanti, ad esempio offrendo tabacco o del vino mescolato a semi di stramonio e non sempre le vittime si risvegliavano.

L'erba del diavolo continua a fare danni, ecco la cronaca di due casi recenti..

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

piante per la salute

Ruta graveolens 

contro il tumore al cervello  curare malattie polmonari, o usata anche contro l’angina faringea o per ridurre il gonfiore della milza.

versione decotto

Artemisia contro il tumore antimalarico

bere la soluzione idroalcolica di artemisia, pochi cucchiai diluiti in acqua dopo mangiato,

Saturday, December 24, 2016


Beständigkeit - Constancy - Stabilité - Constanza - Stalnost - Állandóság

Prin perseverenta veti atinge obiectivul fixat. Nimic nu merge repede, ci incet pas cu pas.
Starea actuala se va mentine inca ceva timp. Locul de munca este sigur. In viitorul apropiat nu apar schimbari majore, totul ramane asa cum este acum.

Besuch - Visit - Visite - Visita - Posjeta - Látogatás

Ceva nou se apropie. Permanenta schimbare, posibil stres la locul de munca. Pe termen scurt, nimic nu este de durata.

Botschaft - Message - Message - Messaggio - Poruka - Üzenet

Vesti si mesajele de toate tipurile. Este timpul convenabil pentru discutii. Poate chiar tu ai ceva important de comunicat - acum este momentul pentru aceasta.

Brief - Letter - Lettre - Lettera - Pismo - Levél

Veste buna (in cazul in care cartile din jur nu sunt foarte proaste). Surpriza, scrisoare de dragoste.

Dieb - Thief - Larron - Ladro - Lopov - Tolvaj

Persoane negative (masculine sau feminine).
Atentie la pierderi materiale, furt. Chiar partenerul/partenera poate fi pierdut/pierduta (separare, divort), persoana iubita e "furata" de cineva.

Eifersucht - Jealousy - Jalousie - Gelosia - Ljubomora - Féltékenység

Gelozia sau invidia apare in toate domeniile. Intrigi la locul de munca. Incertitudine, nesiguranta vis a vis de propriul partener. Oferiti partenerului de viata mai multa atentie.

Etwas Geld - Some Money - Un Peu D'Argent - Un Po'di Denaro - Nesto Novca - Kevés Pénz

Apar ceva bani, nu o „avere“ ci sume mici care pot ajuta la imbunatatirea situatiei de acum.

Falschheit - Falseness - Perfidie - Falsità - Neiskrenost - Hamisság

Ceva nu merge bine, cineva joaca un joc dublu. Prieteni falsi. Inselaciune. Atentie la cartile invecinate!

Feind - Enemy - Adversaire - Nemico - Neprijatelj - Ellenség

Persoane negative. Cineva va doreste raul.

Fröhlichkeit - Merriment - Gâité - Allegrezza - Veselje - Örvendezés

O perioada pozitiva, fara griji. Traiti clipe frumoase

Gedanken - Thought - Pensée - Pensiero - Misao - Gondolat

Va faceti ganduri, va fauriti planuri. In combinatie cu cartea "MINCIUNA": gandurile si preocuparile sunt gresite, inutile.

Geistlicher - Ecclesiastic - Pretre - Sacerdote - Svecnik - Lelkész

Persoana spirituala, preot, pastor. Iti vei gasi implinirea intr-o activitate spirituala.

Geld - Money - Argent - Denaro - Novac - Pénz

Abundenta materiala, avere, venituri, bani. In combinatie cu "CASATORIA" sau "IUBIT/IUBITA": partener/a bogat/a.
In combinatie cu carti negative "FRUSTRARE", "TRISTETE", "PIERDERE", sensul se va amplifica (de exemplu, tristete mare).

Geliebte - Sweetheart - Bien-Aimée - Amante - Ljubavnica - Szerelmes Nö

Carte personala in cazul in care se ghiceste pentru o femeie. Daca persoana pentru care se ghiceste este barbat, aceasta carte semnifica partenera barbatului.

Geliebter - Lover - Amant - Amante - Ljubavnik - Szerentö

Carte personala in cazul in care se ghiceste pentru un barbat. Daca persoana pentru care se ghiceste este femeie, aceasta carte semnifica partenerul femeii.

Geschenk - Gift - Cadeau - Dono - Dar - Ajándék

Puteti spera la un cadou. Poate reprezenta si ceva negativ daca este inconjurat de carti proaste.

Glück - Fortune - Bonheur - Fortuna - Sreca - Szerencse

Cea mai pozitiva carte dintre toate!
Daca este inconjurata de carti proaste, efectul negativ al acestora se va atenua.

Haus - House - Maison - Casa - Kuca - Ház

Stabilitatea in casa, familie si la lucru. Daca intervin schimbari, acestea sunt pozitive.

Heirat - Marriage - Mariage - Nozze - Svadba - Házasság

Casatorie, uniune, fuziune,  prietenie de durata, contract nou de munca.

Hoffnung - Hope - Espérance - Speranza - Nada - Remény

Carte pozitiva. Securitate financiara.
In combinatie cu “BOALA” - insanatosire. In combinatie cu “COPIL” - sarcina.  Combinatie cu “MINCIUNA” – sperante false.

Kind - Baby - Bébé - Bambino - Dijete - Gyermek

Copil, persoana imatura, caracter copilaros.
Un nou inceput.

Krankheit - Malady - Maladie - Malattia - Bolest - Betegség

Probleme de sanatate. Daca cartea este pozitionata in spatele cartii personale apar probleme de sanatate la spate. Daca cartea e pozitionata deasupra, probleme de sanatate de la abdomen in sus. Insotita de cartea „TRISTETE“  - depresie, boli psihice, dependenta de substante toxice, de bautura.

Liebe - Love - Amour - Amore - Ljubav - Szerelem

Dragoste noua, armonie. Daca cartea este pozitionata deasupra unei persoane: prietenie.

Offizier - Officer - Officier - Ufficiale - Oficir - Katonatiszt

Va avea loc un eveniment. Persoana care poarta uniforma, militar, persoana oficiala, autoritate.

Reise - Journey - Voyage - Viaggio - Putovanje - Útazás

Se anunta o calatorie. Persoana in miscare. Noi contacte.
O schimbare pozitiva sau negativa in functie de cartile inconjuratoare. Atentie la accidente.

Richter - Judge - Juge - Giudice - Sudac - Biró

Persoana din sistemul judiciar. Judecator, avocat, procuror. Hotarare judecatoreasca.
Insotita de carti negative: condamnare, acuzare.

Sehnsucht - Desire - Désir - Bramosia - Ceznja - Vágy

Dorinte si vise care deocamdata nu se implinesc. Daca doresti cu adevarat sa se indeplineasca aceste dorinte este timpul sa actionezi.
Contoleaza-ti emotiile.

Tod - Death - Mort - Morte - Smrt - Halál

O schimbare iminenta. Aceasta carte nu simbolizeaza moartea fizica (decat daca este insotita de carti proaste), ci un nou inceput, ceva vechi se apropie de final.

Traurigkeit - Sadness - Tristesse - Tristezza - Tuga - Szomorúság

O femeie trista care sufera. Ceva din trecut apasa, depresie, tristete.
Profesional – activitati care nu-ti plac.

Treue - Fidelity - Fidélité - Fedeltà - Vjernost - Hüség

Principii ferme, fidelitate, prietenie pe care te poti baza, loc de munca sigur.
Atentie la carile proaste din jur. Chiar si “NENOROCIRE” sau “PIERDERE” pot sa-ti ramana loiali!

Unglück - Misfortune - Malheur - Disgrazia - Nesreca - Szerencsétlengég

O carte de avertisment. Dificultati. Problemele pot lua amploare.
Acorda o atentie sporita gandurilor pozitive.

Unverhoffte Freude - Unexpected Joy - Joie Imprévue - Gioia Inanttesa - Iznenadna Sreca - Váratlan Öröm

Carte foarte pozitiva. Surprize placute, evenimente pozitive, dovada neasteptata de dragoste.

Verdruss - Anger - Chagrin - Dispiacere - Neprilika - Bosszúság

O carte negativa. Pierderi, certuri, neintelegeri, furie, dispute, obstacole; neplaceri la locul de munca.

Verlust - Loss - Perte - Perdita - Gubitak - Veszteség

Sunteti atentionat la prudenta. Evitati actiunile neglijente. Ceva se pierde.
Daca cartea este insotita de carti bune – si lucrurile negative se pot pierde: boala,tristete, dificultati…

Witwe - Widow - Veuve - Vedova - Udova - Ösvegyasszony

Femeie singura, fara partener in viata, vaduva.
Cartea poate semnifica si o ruda feminina mai in varsta.

Witwer - Widower - Veuf - Vedovo - Udovac - Özvegy Férmi

Barbat singur, fara partenera in viata, vaduv.
Cartea poate semnifica si o ruda feminina mai in varsta.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Horoscope 2017

Horoscope 2017

Astrology 2017 predicts that the year is starting with the unpredictable revolutionary Uranus stationed at Individualistic Aries, expansive Jupiter in balance-conscious Libra, planet of structures and strictures Saturn in free spirited Sagittarius, transformative Pluto in authoritative Capricorn, and mysterious Neptune in mystic Pisces. Towards the end of 2017, two major planets Jupiter and Saturn make a transition into the next house. Jovial Jupiter enters intense Scorpio in October and stern Saturn enters own house disciplined Capricorn in December. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto remain in their respective stations, their only movement being retrogression and progression (where applicable) within the transiting signs.

As per 2017 predictions, significant planetary aspects influencing events, happenings, occurrences, trends, and movements include Uranus opposition Jupiter (when both of them are in opposite signs from each other or 180 degrees apart or in 1-7 relationship meaning the other planet is in 7th counting from the first planet and vice versa), Jupiter sextile Saturn (when both of them are 60 degrees apart from each or in 3-11 relationship meaning one planet is located in 11th house counting from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 3rd counting from the other), Jupiter square Pluto (when both of them are 90 degrees apart or in 4-10 relationship meaning one planet is located in 10th from the first planet and the first planet is located 4th from the other), Saturn square Neptune (when both of them are 90 degrees apart or in 4-10 relationship meaning one planet is located in 10th from the first planet and the first planet is located 4th from the other), Saturn trine Uranus (when both of them are 120 degrees apart or in 5-9 relationship meaning one planet is located 9th from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 5th from the other), Pluto sextile Neptune (when both of them are 60 degrees apart from each or in 3-11 relationship meaning one planet is located in 11th house counting from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 3rd counting from the other), and Pluto square Uranus (when both of them are 90 degrees apart or in 4-10 relationship meaning one planet is located in 10th from the first planet and the first planet is located 4th from the other).

As per the predictions for 2017, later in the year due to Jupiter’s ingress into Scorpio and Saturn’s entry into Capricorn, aspects alter to include Jupiter sextile Pluto (when both of them are 60 degrees apart from each or in 3-11 relationship meaning one planet is located in 11th house counting from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 3rd counting from the other), Jupiter trine Neptune (when both of them are 120 degrees apart or in 5-9 relationship meaning one planet is located 9th from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 5th from the other), Saturn conjunct Pluto (when both planets are in the same sign or in 1-1 relationship), Saturn sextile Neptune (when both of them are 60 degrees apart from each or in 3-11 relationship meaning one planet is located in 11th house counting from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 3rd counting from the other), and Saturn square Uranus (when both of them are 90 degrees apart or in 4-10 relationship meaning one planet is located in 10th from the first planet and the first planet is located 4th from the other).

Now, let’s begin with the predictions of horoscopes 2017

The lunar eclipse on Friday 10 February 2017 is at 22 degrees Leo. The lunar eclipse February 2017 astrology is awesome, wonderful and magical! There are so many positive aspects packed into the lunar eclipse horoscope that you can only be optimistic about the months ahead.

The February 2017 lunar eclipse has many talents contained in a mystical aspect pattern. Truly beautiful symmetry with Saturn will talent to magic and bring practical results and lasting achievements.
Lunar Eclipse Meaning

Like any full moon, a lunar eclipse focuses your attention on relationships of all kinds. The Sun opposite Moon qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a lunar eclipse. This lets you take an objective and balanced look at your close personal relationships. Being in touch with your own needs and intentions, and those of others, you can clearly see any relationship imbalances causing disharmony.

With a lunar eclipse in particular, the blotting out of the Moon represents a resetting of emotions, clearing away the emotional baggage of the previous six months. The horoscope for a lunar eclipse is like a snapshot in time, but like old style photography, it takes time to develop.

The February 16 lunar eclipse marks the end of an eclipse phase which began with the challengingSeptember 2016 solar and lunar eclipse. Together with the February 26 solar eclipse, this February 10 lunar eclipse will remain active until the August 2017 lunar eclipse.
Lunar Eclipse February 2017 Astrology

Lunar eclipse February 2017 is located at 22°28′ Leo Sign as well as in Leo Constellation. At 21°40′ Leo in the Head of the Lion, fixed star Ras Elased Borealis will have some typically brash Leo influence but is not a major player among the stars. The full moon/lunar eclipse aspect itself, Sun opposite Moon, is much more powerful and highlights relationship dynamics and the polarities between partners, home and work, friends and family etc.

Jupiter opposite Uranus complicates those personal issues by exaggerating your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want. There may be a sudden event that releases your built up tension and leads to a major change in circumstances. The more restricted you have felt, the more upsetting this change is likely to be.

Looking at the red lines in the lunar eclipse February 2017 astrology chart below you would think these two oppositions double the trouble. However, each planet of one opposition assists the planets in the other opposition. Do opposites attract through all the harmonious blue aspects?
Lunar Eclipse February 2017 Mystic Rectangle

The tense red cross enclosed by calm blue aspects is called a mystic rectangle aspect pattern. The high energy oppositions produce a lot of tension and activity. The harmonious aspects bring resolution to any conflict but can also mask an unsettled inner nature. This cool exterior may fool others into thinking you have it all together but don’t fool yourself. Recognize or admit the source of your red inner tension and use your blue talents to resolve them.

Moon sextile Jupiter and Sun trine Jupiter shower your personal issues with happiness and good fortune. Old relationships grow and new relationships blossom. The sociable nature of these aspects extends to group activities and helping out others. You will feel more generous and can expect favors and good fortune yourself. Financial gains can increase your net worth, plus your level of satisfaction and contentment. Personal and spiritual growth come through studies and travel, anything aimed at broadening your outlook on life.

Moon trine Uranus and Sun sextile Uranus revitalize tired old relationships and brings surprising new ones. Look forward to exciting changes, pleasant surprises and stimulating encounters. You should enjoy greater personal freedom to try something new and exciting. Socializing, group activities and chance meeting are favored. You are more likely to meet unorthodox types or people from different cultural or ethnic backgrounds than your own.

All New Pyramid Aspect Pattern

With Saturn placed above of the mystic rectangle as shown above in the chart, a three dimensional pyramid structure can be seen. Lets call it a pyramid aspect pattern, a rare beauty that requires five planets on similar degrees in five Signs. And lets say it turns the talents of the mystic rectangle into magic.

Each corner of the mystic rectangle gains wisdom and patience, stability and security from fatherly Saturn. The mystic rectangle is already considered a positive configuration and now Saturn really nails the point home. Respect Saturn and he makes your good works strong and lasting. Saturn uses the talents in the mystic rectangle to make practical magic.

Moon trine Saturn and Sun sextile Saturn gives the patience and emotional strength to handle any relationship issue. Others may come to you for advice on a personal matter or just for a shoulder to cry on. Traditional values and old habits can bring solutions to new problems. You can rely on strong instincts and common sense to make important decisions about your home, family and relationships. You are determined to achieve practical results and make no mistakes.

Jupiter sextile Saturn means cautious expansion. Sound judgement helps you chose the opportunities that are right for you. These opportunities may be in your career, through investment or business deals, or in your personal life such as major material possessions or relationship choices. Patience, perseverance and a strong work ethic mean you are most likely to succeed now. Common sense and sustained effort are required because this is a serious and long-term projects you are working on.

Saturn trine Uranus is a transition phase. This is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically. You can find new days of doing old things without rocking the boat. Group activity is favored where you can bring people together from very different backgrounds and keep them interested in a common long-term goal.

If lunar eclipse February 2017 directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see Moon Transits.

Previous Moon Phase: New Moon 27 January 2017

Next Moon Phase: Solar Eclipse 26 February 2017
Lunar Eclipse February 2017 Times and Dates

Los Angeles

New York




February 10 – 4:32 pm

February 10 – 7:32 pm

February 11 – 0:32 am

February 11 – 6:02 am

February 11 – 10:32 am

Solar Eclipse 26 February 2017

The solar eclipse on 26 February 2017 is at 8 degrees Pisces. The solar eclipse February 2017 astrology is dominated by the spiritual planet Neptune to bring hope of a brighter future. Good fortune and lasting happiness come from the stars in this region of the sky.

The February 2017 solar eclipse is just as happy and magical as the February 10 lunar eclipse. Acting in unison over coming months, this eclipse phase gives you an opportunity to turn your dreams into reality by drawing on your god given talents.

You can look forward to enduring results especially in relationships, so long as you remain humble and grateful to a higher power. Extravagance, greed or selfishness will see an end to your good fortune by the beginning of the next eclipse phase in August 2017.

New Moon Solar Eclipse Meaning

Like any new moon, a solar eclipse represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. The strongest and most important aspect in all of astrology is the Sun conjunct Moon. It means that all possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself in the forefront of new plans for the future.

Old habits, behaviors and beliefs can be questioned as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress. This is the ideal time to make a fresh start by writing a to-do list on a blank sheet of paper.

This solar eclipse will compliment themes found in the February 10 lunar eclipse Together they act as an eclipse phase which lasts until the eclipses of August 2017.
Solar Eclipse February 2017 Astrology

Solar eclipse February 2017 is located in Aquarius Constellation in the Sky. Due to precession of the equinoxes, however, it falls within the Pisces Sign in your Horoscope. At 08°12′ Pisces it will most strongly affect Pisces decan 1 but also those born in early Pisces decan 2.

One star and one planet close by provide more information about how this solar eclipse will shape your life over coming months. The closest is the star in the Water Bearer and just a few degrees further away is the mysterious blue planet Neptune.

Fixed star Skat aligns with solar eclipse February 2017 giving good fortune and lasting happiness. It is also provides safety in a deluge. This is a star for good leaders in any adventurous field of activity, physical, economic or social. The name Skat means The Wish. This is a solar eclipse for making wishes come true. However, the promised good fortune will only endure if you have earned it.

With the Sun and the Moon, this star is especially good for relationships. You can make new and influential friends, get help and valuable gifts from friends, and gain the love of respectable women. The enhanced emotional sensitivity from Skat can make you psychic, but together with the associated criticism and persecution.

Solar Eclipse Neptune

Neptune shows how we rise above physical limitations. Spiritual development involves feeling more at one with people around you and with life in general. There is something scary about stepping into the unknown but the positive side of Neptune will be more noticeable following this solar eclipse.

A solar eclipse in general is a positive event giving an energy boost for a fresh start. The fixed star between the eclipse and Neptune is a very positive one, with wishes and dreams both being ruled by Neptune. The positive side of Neptune is also more prominent now that the fearful influence ofSaturn square Neptune has passed.

Sun conjunct Neptune increases your sensitivity, intuition and empathy. Setting some boundaries will allow you to enjoy a sense of togetherness with loved ones. You may benefit from joining or learning more about environmental, charity, social or community work and groups. Spiritual or occult subjects like astrology may be better understood through higher awareness. This is a good time to go to the movies or escape from reality through a fantasy novel.

Moon conjunct Neptune increases your emotionally sensitivity. With conscious self-awareness provided by the Sun, you can filter out any background noise and use your sensitivity for good. While some psychic impressions may be off the mark, your compassion and empathy are genuine. You can be of great assistance to the victimized and outcast. The emotional comfort you offer has a healing quality.

The influence of the Sun and Moon with Neptune gives great potential for psychic awareness. The influence of the fixed star makes it even more likely that you will experience some kind of psychic activity following the February 28 solar eclipse.
Solar Eclipse Minor Aspects

The conjunction of Sun, Moon, Neptune and fixed star is definitely a harmonious and beneficial one. However, your fortune and psychic talents are at risk of turning against you because of the big opposition in the sky, shown by the solid red line in the solar eclipse February 2017 astrology chart above.

Jupiter opposite Uranus greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want. There is likely to be particular sudden event that releases your built up tension and leads to a major change in circumstances.

Not only is this opposition happening at the same time as the solar eclipse, it is directly linked in space by the 8th harmonic aspects of the 45° semisquare and the 135° sesquisquare. These minor aspects are like an itch that needs scratching, or a weaker version of the square aspect.

Sun square Jupiter is like a double-edged sword. It can make you feel extremely confident, proud, lucky and optimistic. The manner in which you express your exuberance is critical in determining the final result, which can range from good fortune and success, to loss and embarrassment. The best way to handle it is with respect, moderation and discipline.

Sun square Uranus requires open-mindedness and flexibility as you enter a stage of uncertainty. You may start to feel uneasy and anxious as you sense impending change. A buildup of nervous tension can result in unpredictable behavior on your part which can lead to abruptness, rapid changes in direction and even accidents.

Adding Mars to the equation makes these minor aspects even more like squares. This increases the danger of over reaction, rebellion and greed spoiling the original benefits from Neptune eclipse on the happy fixed star.

Sun square Mars can lead to tests of character from your competitors or enemies. The boss or men in general may be looking to assert their power, leading to ego conflicts. You may already be irritable and impatience, likely to react to any provocation or threats with aggression. Do not go on the offensive because your strength and courage are at a low point.
Solar Eclipse February 2017 Summary

You can expect to feel extremely sensitive to the extent of having visions or premonitions following the February 2017 solar eclipse. You should notice more compassion and generosity around you compared to previous months and last year in particular. Increasing wealth and happiness can be found by following a more spiritual path and being inclusive of others.

This solar eclipse acts as a companion to the February 2017 lunar eclipse. The spiritual nature of the solar eclipse blends perfectly with the mystical lunar eclipse. The many talents provided by the previous lunar eclipse can now be put to use following your hopes and dreams. The good fortune and happiness found in following your dreams has the potential to be substantial and enduring, especially for relationships.

Remaining true to your morals and belief is vitally important once your hopes and dreams are realized. Any good fortune is intrinsically tied to your spiritual development. Excessive lust, greed or selfishness will see any benefits erased. Worse than that, the interconnectedness highlighted by the solar eclipse February 2017 astrology means that your loved ones would also be adversely affected by the error of your ways.
Solar Eclipse February 2017 Visibility

On the morning of Sunday 26 February 2017 the solar eclipse will be visible from south America. It then ends in south-western Africa at sunset. Being an annular solar eclipse, not all of the Sun will be darkened. In this type of partial eclipse, the apparent diameter of the Moon is smaller than the Sun’s, leaving a ring of light around the eclipsed Sun.

If this solar eclipse directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in yourmonthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

Previous Moon Phase: Lunar Eclipse 10 February 2017

Next Moon Phase: Full Moon 12 March 2017

Solar Eclipse September 2016 Times and Dates


New York February 26 – 9:58am

London February 26 – 2:58 pm

Delhi February 26 – 8:28 pm

Sydney February 27 – 0:58 am

Jupiter Opposite Uranus 26 December 2016

Jupiter opposite Uranus is a major planetary aspect occurring in late 2016 and for most of 2017. There are three exact oppositions between December 2016 and September 2017 which I will show at the end of this article. Before that, I will talk about the natal aspect and transiting Jupiter opposite Uranus.

Natal Jupiter Opposite Uranus

Jupiter opposite Uranus in the natal chart gives creative brilliance but at a cost. Your unorthodox style and rebellious streak can turn the establishment against you and make you a social outcast. However, the risks associated with this aspect can be reduced without curbing your enthusiasm or originality.

Your kinky sense of humor and gregarious nature can easily win your friends and admirers. While you would have suffered more in Victorian England, you will still need to adapt to certain situations. In formal settings you must moderate your exuberance and tendency to rock the boat. A strongly placed Saturn in your chart would do the trick.

Modern Western society at least, plus the Uranus rules Internet, give you the freedom to fully express your own unique style. You can experiment and push the limits of social standards, philosophy, education, religion and spirituality. Overseas travel in particular would broaden you horizons and expand your consciousness.

You have a strong urge to change things to make a better future. You also have a strong need to personal freedoms and freedom to think and express your new ideas. Remember always to respect the right of others to their own freedoms and ideas. This especially applies to your many opponents who find value in traditional ways of thinking and doing things.

Fortunately, in such a rapidly changing world, you seem to have been born on the right side of history. Perhaps your ingenuity can be put to use modernizing and updating some of the old ways, rather than totally upending them and upsetting those less futuristic than yourself.
Jupiter Opposite Uranus Transit

Transiting Jupiter opposite Uranus greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want.

The expansive nature of Jupiter, the shocking nature of Uranus, and the antagonistic nature of the opposition mean that there is likely to be particular sudden event that releases your built up tension and leads to a major change in circumstances. The more restricted you have felt, then the more upsetting the change is likely to be.

There is a tendency to totally renew and start afresh. However, the more extreme the change then the harder it is for you and your loved ones to adjust to the new conditions. This is especially so if it is a close relationships that has been holding you down. Consider also, the financial ramifications of any big change.

You can find adventure and personal growth through travel, education and new relationships while still maintaining certain core responsibilities in your life. You can find creative and ingenious ways to relieve the boredom without causing total chaos and disruption.

Though technically a challenging transit, the relief from stress and tension can be very satisfying. A change in beliefs or social interaction may be all it takes to act as a circuit breaker. At the deeper level you are seeking a burst of higher awareness, to transcend your daily routine and bring on a spiritual growth spurt.
Jupiter Opposite Uranus 


Prince Charles of Wales 0°02′, Leon Gambetta 0°05′, Wolfgang Borchert 0°09′, Arthur Symons 0°27′, Charles II of England 0°40′, Edward Gein 0°40′, Peter Ustinov 1°14′, Barry Humphries 1°18′, Laurence Olivier 1°28′, Jodie Foster 1°31′, Rosie O’Donnell 1°52′.

Jupiter Opposite Uranus 2016 2017

The Christmas 2016 Cradle Aspect Pattern gives great stability and protection in love relationships. Commitment, honesty and faith will overcome any criticism or unexpected setbacks.
Venus trine Jupiter
Venus sextile Saturn
Venus sextile Uranus
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Jupiter opposite Uranus
Saturn trine Uranus
26 December 2016
02 March 2017
28 September 2017

Jupiter Opposite Uranus Dates

30 August 2003

26 December 2016

2 March 2017

28 September 2017

Venus Trine Jupiter 25 December 2016

Venus trine Jupiter in the natal chart ranks up there as one of the best of all aspects in astrology. Without harsh aspects affecting this trine, you can expect a life of ease and comfort earned through previous incarnations of loving service. Even with associated challenging aspect, Venus trine Jupiter will lessen any hardships and bring love and joy to your life.

Your ease in showing love and affection is a sign of your own self-love and self-respect. Honesty, loyalty and fine morals are yet more personal characteristics which earn you popularity and a good name. Yet you are not simply a soft and cuddly individual.

There is a genuine depth to your charismatic appeal. Your adventurous and creative nature makes you stimulating as well as fun to be around. You are sincere about helping others and would find a lot of satisfaction working in charitable organizations. You would fit in well to any groups of people and can be very effective in driving the overall success of common goals. This may not be so obvious as in taking a leadership role, but all the little things you do add up to success.

Creativity is a strong point and you should have a good sense of rhythm and tone. People with this aspect often have wide-ranging musical or other creative talents. For example, as a singer you would most likely have a wide vocal range.

You enjoy celebrations and partying in general. Showing off and being glamorous is natural for you and should not harm your reputation. Overindulgence in food, drink and drugs can sometimes be a problem, but there would usually be other more challenging aspects or fixed stars in your chart to disrupt the harmonious nature of this aspect.

Venus Trine Jupiter Transit

Transiting Venus trine Jupiter brings good cheer, optimism and plenty of love. This is one of the most looked forward to of transits and is of special interest to those seeking love. It does make you appear more attractive but also allows you to relax and express the more affectionate and welcoming side of your personality.

This is obviously a great time for dating but also for mending any stressful relationships. Socializing of all kinds is favored and you should enjoy increased popularity. You will even find that you get more fun out of amusements parks and love all types of adventurous activities. It is the perfect time for starting a holiday because of your relaxed and stress free state.

Shopping is favored because your finances should be in good enough order. You will have a good eye for fashion and value. Cosmetics, jewelry, art and anything to decorate your home or office would be good to buy. Venus rules money and Jupiter rules wealth, so investments made now should increase your wealth.

Luck in love can be matched with some fortune elsewhere in your life. Gifts, compliments and good offers may be in store. You would be wise to accept any offers during this transit.
Venus Trine Jupiter 


David Essex 0°06′, Dorothy Parker 0°06′, Aly Bain 0°07′, Rutger Hauer 0°08′, Kurt Cobain 0°09′, Lorenzo Carcaterra 0°13′, Iggy Pop 0°29′, Giorgio Armani 0°30′, Tobey Maguire 0°44′, Dakota Fanning 0°49′, Ian Shaw 0°54′, John Milton 0°54′, Adam Ant 1°02′, Willie Nelson 1°06′.

Venus Trine Jupiter December 2016

The Christmas 2016 Cradle Aspect Pattern gives great stability and protection in love relationships. Commitment, honesty and faith will overcome any criticism or unexpected setbacks.
Venus trine Jupiter
Venus sextile Saturn
Venus sextile Uranus
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Jupiter opposite Uranus
Saturn trine Uranus

Venus Trine Jupiter Dates 25 December 2016 18 July 2017

Venus Sextile Saturn 25 December 2016

Venus sextile Saturn in the natal chart makes you dependent on companionship for your general well-being. You can survive alone and may prefer to have only a small number of friends, but a loving relationships is what you aim for. You are very loyal and reliable in relationships and this is how you show your love and affection. You are less inclined to display your affections in public or with any spontaneity.

You may have a tendency toward self-denial or self-sacrifice, but only for the long-term good of a relationship. It is important that don’t let this need for stability and security come above your ideal of true love. If someones is disloyal then you could never really be happy and your self-esteem would suffer. It can be difficult for you to break up with a partner, but then you also have a common sense and practical attitude.

You do much of your learning through close relationships and may find that you and your partner have a teacher-student type relationship or that there is a marked aged difference.

Your self-discipline extends to your finances and you should be a good saver and investor. You would suit a career in the business field but also in anything that combines beauty and creativity with detail and order.

Venus Sextile Saturn Transit

Transiting Venus sextile Saturn increases your need for companionship. You want to feel loved and valued by someone but it must be serious and true love. With an existing partner you will look for reassurance or more commitment, but will also be dutiful about making them happy and content.

New relationships are possible but you will not be interested in one night stands. You are more likely to attract serious types or those also interested in long-term commitment. Often, teacher-student type relationships are possible, or there may be a marked age difference.

Even though love is important, you will take a practical and common sense approach. This especially applies to solving any recent difficulties. Resolutions can be found and there should be a mutual understanding and acknowledgement when a relationship has run its course.

Doing business is favored under this transit. Investing in blue chip stocks, real estate or works of art are preferred. This would be a good time to start a savings plan but also for paying off debt. Your creative talents can be out to use on anything requiring detail and organization.

Venus Sextile Saturn 


Steve Jobs 0°00’43”, Eric Stanton 0°02′, Edmund White 0°14′, Tammy Wynette 0°27′, Marie Dressler 0°35′, Wayne Gretzky 0°40′, Paul Newman 0°42′, Grace Kelly 0°45′, Agatha Christie 0°45′, Walter H. Diamond 0°54′, Anne Murray 0°57′, Bruce Springsteen 1°13′, Gary Hart 1°13′, Sigmund Freud 1°21′, Colette 1°26′, Bob Downe 1°29′.

Venus Sextile Saturn December 2016

The Christmas 2016 Cradle Aspect Pattern gives great stability and protection in love relationships. Commitment, honesty and faith will overcome any criticism or unexpected setbacks.

Venus trine Jupiter
Venus sextile Saturn
Venus sextile Uranus
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Jupiter opposite Uranus
Saturn trine Uranus

Venus Sextile Saturn Dates
26 December 2016 3 November 2017

Venus Sextile Uranus 25 December 2016

Venus sextile Uranus in the natal chart has a positive influence on your social life, love life and your artistic or creative style. You have an open-minded and progressive view of your own self-worth which should make you comfortable among others in social situation. People do notice that your lifestyle or appearance is somewhat unusual or unconventional and you are aware they do.

With few hang ups or barriers, people will be attracted to you and you should enjoy social popularity. Finding lover should come as easy as making friends because there is always something interesting or exciting about you to spark their interest.

Your friends and partners are also likely to show that Uranus flair or eccentricity and a degree of independence is required to maintain healthy relationships. You will be happiest with a partner who is not demanding or smothering, and may be involved in non traditional family setups or have to juggles multiple commitments.

Your sexy aura will attract a lot of attention from potential lovers. The sense that with you, they will enjoy extra stimulation and erotic pleasure with a hint of danger that is irresistible. With such temptation, you may find it difficult to maintain long-term relationships. In this case, your own need for a thrill could be found though be found through sexual experimentation in the bedroom, role play, dress ups or toys.

You are a trend setter and this will show from your sense of fashion to how you decorate your room or design your entire home and garden. You may have to deal with some odd looks when you start the new trend and are the only one standing out. This talent can be turned into a career later in life and I’m sure some extra attention won’t spoil your day.

At a deeper level, you appreciate form and beauty at a higher level than most. Your unique approach reveals thing which can stimulate, excite, and inspire others. Take for example the poet and writer Robert Graves (0º02′). In The White Goddess, he links Celtic mythology to poetry, the moon and goddess worship. His unconventional interpretations of the Greek myths causes controversy among the establishment. Graves said those classical scholars were to technical or narrow-minded to understand the deeper meaning of the ancient poems, and that:

the few independent thinkers are the poets, who try to keep civilizations alive.

Venus Sextile Uranus Transit

Transiting Venus sextile Uranus stimulates the need for fun and excitement in your social and love life. If all alone during this transit, then some kind of entertainment or creativity will satisfy your increased desire for something new and shiny in your life. Original breakthroughs can be made in artistic and creative work.

You will be expressing your love nature with flair that can also manifest as extra bling or a unique fashion style. Your displays shall attract equally interesting and eager people, willing to take a risk and see where it goes. This lack of inhibition is especially helpful if you are naturally shy and reserved.

This is an excellent time to make new friends and lovers. While this transit favors instant attraction and a short cut to the bedroom, the odds are more in favor of a quick fling rather than marriage. The one exception to this is the case of two people are who naturally free spirits and dislike being owned or smothered with love and affection. True love may be found between these two. Even if one partner is more tradition but willing to give a lot of ground, there is the potential for a longer lasting relationships, whether sexual or platonic.

Venus Sextile Uranus 


Robert Graves 0º02′, Tim Robbins 0º09′, John Edgar Hoover 0º11′, William Blake 0º17′, Tammy Wynette 0º20′, Barry Crump 0º27′, Robin Williams 0º37′, Benito Mussolini 0º41′, Jean Henri Fabre 045′, Pauline Collins 0º56′, George Harrison 1º24′, Mia Farrow 1º46′, Shelley Ackerman 1º47′, George W. Bush 2º10′, Marlene Dietrich 1º14′.

Venus Sextile Uranus December 2016

The Christmas 2016 Cradle Aspect Pattern gives great stability and protection in love relationships. Commitment, honesty and faith will overcome any criticism or unexpected setbacks.
Venus trine Jupiter
Venus sextile Saturn
Venus sextile Uranus
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Jupiter opposite Uranus
Saturn trine Uranus

Venus Sextile Uranus Dates 25 December 2016
30 July 2017

Jupiter Sextile Saturn 2016 2017

Jupiter sextile Saturn in the natal chart gives a steady and balanced nature. You have a cautiously optimistic view of the world because you understand your limitations but are also prepared to take a punt on the outsider. In personal relationships you are loyal and dependable but not boring. You enjoy having fun but never at other people’s expense for you are mature and respectful.

You will not miss a good opportunity to grow, and this may include wealth creation, studies, travel or spiritual development. But your sound judgement and discernment means you will only take up those opportunities suited to you. Those opportunities you calculate to have a better than average chance of success. Then you have the patience, perseverance and strong work ethic to make the most of your opportunity to advance.

You are a hard worker but will not be stifled by routine or dead-end jobs. You generally do find your true calling and not just a job. A position of trust and respect would suit you where your common sense and judgement skills could lead to promotion.

Politics, business or law are some professions that may interest you. You can work with others but would do best where there are no limitations as far as promotion goes. You are a very ambitious person and have a high regard of your own abilities. You do have good leadership qualities but would also prosper in self employment or contract work.

Investing would prove profitable, especially in long-term deals like blue chip stocks and real estate. You would also do well investing in people because of your excellent judgement and managerial skills

Investing would prove profitable, especially in long-term deals like blue chip stocks and real estate. You would also do well investing in people because of your excellent judgement and managerial skills

Jupiter Sextile Saturn 2016 2017

Jupiter sextile Saturn stays within one degree orb without being exact from 11 November 2016 until 24 January 2017.

The Christmas 2016 Cradle Aspect Pattern gives great stability and protection in love relationships. Commitment, honesty and faith will overcome any criticism or unexpected setbacks.

Venus trine Jupiter
Venus sextile Saturn
Venus sextile Uranus
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Jupiter opposite Uranus
Saturn trine Uranus

Jupiter Sextile Saturn Dates

27 August 2017

Jupiter Opposite Uranus 26 December 2016

Jupiter opposite Uranus is a major planetary aspect occurring in late 2016 and for most of 2017. There are three exact oppositions between December 2016 and September 2017 which I will show at the end of this article. Before that, I will talk about the natal aspect and transiting Jupiter opposite Uranus.
Natal Jupiter Opposite Uranus

Jupiter opposite Uranus in the natal chart gives creative brilliance but at a cost. Your unorthodox style and rebellious streak can turn the establishment against you and make you a social outcast. However, the risks associated with this aspect can be reduced without curbing your enthusiasm or originality.

Your kinky sense of humor and gregarious nature can easily win your friends and admirers. While you would have suffered more in Victorian England, you will still need to adapt to certain situations. In formal settings you must moderate your exuberance and tendency to rock the boat. A strongly placed Saturn in your chart would do the trick.

Modern Western society at least, plus the Uranus rules Internet, give you the freedom to fully express your own unique style. You can experiment and push the limits of social standards, philosophy, education, religion and spirituality. Overseas travel in particular would broaden you horizons and expand your consciousness.

You have a strong urge to change things to make a better future. You also have a strong need to personal freedoms and freedom to think and express your new ideas. Remember always to respect the right of others to their own freedoms and ideas. This especially applies to your many opponents who find value in traditional ways of thinking and doing things.

Fortunately, in such a rapidly changing world, you seem to have been born on the right side of history. Perhaps your ingenuity can be put to use modernizing and updating some of the old ways, rather than totally upending them and upsetting those less futuristic than yourself.
Jupiter Opposite Uranus Transit

Transiting Jupiter opposite Uranus greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want.

The expansive nature of Jupiter, the shocking nature of Uranus, and the antagonistic nature of the opposition mean that there is likely to be particular sudden event that releases your built up tension and leads to a major change in circumstances. The more restricted you have felt, then the more upsetting the change is likely to be.

There is a tendency to totally renew and start afresh. However, the more extreme the change then the harder it is for you and your loved ones to adjust to the new conditions. This is especially so if it is a close relationships that has been holding you down. Consider also, the financial ramifications of any big change.

You can find adventure and personal growth through travel, education and new relationships while still maintaining certain core responsibilities in your life. You can find creative and ingenious ways to relieve the boredom without causing total chaos and disruption.

Though technically a challenging transit, the relief from stress and tension can be very satisfying. A change in beliefs or social interaction may be all it takes to act as a circuit breaker. At the deeper level you are seeking a burst of higher awareness, to transcend your daily routine and bring on a spiritual growth spurt.

Jupiter Opposite Uranus 


Prince Charles of Wales 0°02′, Leon Gambetta 0°05′, Wolfgang Borchert 0°09′, Arthur Symons 0°27′, Charles II of England 0°40′, Edward Gein 0°40′, Peter Ustinov 1°14′, Barry Humphries 1°18′, Laurence Olivier 1°28′, Jodie Foster 1°31′, Rosie O’Donnell 1°52′.
Jupiter Opposite Uranus 2016 2017

The Christmas 2016 Cradle Aspect Pattern gives great stability and protection in love relationships. Commitment, honesty and faith will overcome any criticism or unexpected setbacks.
Venus trine Jupiter
Venus sextile Saturn
Venus sextile Uranus
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Jupiter opposite Uranus
Saturn trine Uranus

Jupiter Opposite Uranus Dates 26 December 2016 2 March 2017

Saturn Trine Uranus 24 December 2016

Saturn trine Uranus occurs three times between December 2016 and November 2017 which I will show at the end of this article. Before that, I will talk about the natal aspect and transiting Saturn trine Uranus.
Natal Saturn Trine Uranus

Saturn trine Uranus in the natal chart brings an harmonious blend of change and stability in your life. You can work well within the rules and regulations, while still being able to enjoy personal freedoms and develop your own unique creative style. You can also experiment with traditional ways of doing things and gain respect for you innovations, without rocking the cart.

Parents, teachers and then bosses, will trust you with a fair amount of responsibility while at the same time giving you the freedom to do it your own way. Duties that some would find tedious and boring, will maintain interest for you as you experiment with ingenious way to save time or increase productivity. This talent should see you sought out to initiate changes in the work-place.

You would make a good superior or leader because you have the ability to make routine work interesting for others. You have a particular talent for working with groups and bringing together people from a variety of background and different skill sets.

You can break down very complex systems to make them more easily understood. Most importantly, you can put all the pieces back together, in the same or better place. You would make a good teacher of technical subjects like engineering or computer technology, especially areas of study which combine numerous subjects, as in a holistic viewpoint. Government positions would also suit your original way of addressing multi-layers systems.

When presented with changing circumstances in your life you cope very well in a calm and patient manner. You are the steady hand in time of change and will be looked up to for this ability. You bring order out of chaos and should be really good at doing jigsaw puzzles.
Saturn Trine Uranus 


Joan Sutherland 0°06′, Alexander Fleming 0°07′, Tori Spelling 0°38′, Sir Jack Brabham 0°53′, Bob Fosse 0°54′, William Henry Ireland 1°11′, Barbara Hutton 1°14′, Tony Abbott 1°16′, Kevin Rudd 1°17′, Eminem 1°19′, Jon-Erik Hexum 1°20′.

Saturn Trine Uranus Transit

Transiting Saturn trine Uranus represents a transition phase in life. This is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically.

This is also a good time for experimentation and creative self-expression. You can find new days of doing old things without rocking the boat. You could take the lead in your career to initiate needed changes and gain respect and recognition from your boss.

You may be given more responsibility but also be allowed enough freedom to tackle the work in your own way. You can break down complex tasks into ordered segments to effectively instruct others. You would do well at learning or teaching technical subjects. Even occult subjects like astrology would be more easily understood now.

This is a good transit for group activity. You can bring people together from very different backgrounds and keep them interested in a common long-term goals.

Saturn Trine Uranus 2016 – 2017

The Christmas 2016 Cradle Aspect Pattern gives great stability and protection in love relationships. Commitment, honesty and faith will overcome any criticism or unexpected setbacks.
Venus trine Jupiter
Venus sextile Saturn
Venus sextile Uranus
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Jupiter opposite Uranus
Saturn trine Uranus

Saturn trine Uranus will bring order out of the chaos which resulted from the Uranus Pluto squares of the previous five years. There will still be changes ahead but they will cause less drama and upheaval. These less erratic changes will be more constructive, and could include some of the more promising ideas from the last few years.

Saturn trine Uranus will bridge the gap between the extremes that have developed. For example, governments and rebels will begin to find common ground.
24 December 2016
19 May 2017
11 November 2017

Saturn Trine Uranus Dates
24 December 2016
19 May 2017
11 November 2017

Aries Horoscope January 2017

January 2017 Aries horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

Aries Decan 1 born Mar 21 to 30

Aries Decan 2 born Mar 31 to Apr 9

Aries Decan 3 born Apr 10 to 19

Decan 1 Aries January 2017 Horoscope

Any anxiety or stress you felt over the Christmas period is likely to continue into early January 2017. Mercury is the main reason for communication problems but the retrograde phase end on January 8. Save important matters for the final week or two when more favorable transits begin.

Mercury square your decan from December 26 to January 5 can bring negative thoughts and harsh words. It is important to remember that you will be seeing the worst in everything and everyone. Poor instincts and a lack of judgement mean you will be misreading people and situations. Important meetings, negotiations and decisions should be scheduled for later in the month. Seek professional advice if you need to sign a contract.

Mercury retrograde from December 19 to January 8 means you have this same Mercury transit again later this month. While this Christmas Mercury retrograde may be ideal for deep research and uncovering secrets, you will need to be on guard against all manner of devious plots, lies and back stabbing. For those interested in astrology or psychology, this should be a time of deep self-analysis and discovery.

The December 29 New Moon lasts until the January 27 New Moon. Normally you would be wanting to start new projects during the waxing phase of the moon until the January 12 Full Moon. Not this time because of Mercury retrograde and the very challenging square aspect from the New Moon. It is easier said than done, but positive thinking will help you during this confusing and sometimes depressing time.

Mercury square your decan again from January 11 to 25 still brings some mental stress but this time Mercury is moving in the right direction. This should reduce your stress levels but still take extra care with paperwork and important decisions. The confidence boosting Sun transit below will further reduce any relationships dramas from January 19.

Sun sextile your decan from January 19 to 30 gives power of personal expression which helps in self promotion and the achievement of goals. You should be feeling confident, proud and enthusiastic. This is an excellent time to make real progress with the things in life that mean a lot to you, work, relationships and longer term goals.

The January 27 New Moon extends your fortunate Sun transit until the February 26 Solar Eclipse. This fresh boost of energy is perfect for making a new start in your personal or professional life. The best timing for starting your new project is from January 27 to theFebruary 10 Lunar Eclipse.

Mars in your decan from January 27 to February 11 gives a tremendous increase in ego drive. You should feel a strong urge to get what you want regardless of what other people may think. You are much more self-assertive than usual and this could cause arguments or conflict with others because of your desire to win at all costs. Physical activity is especially favored so competing hard to win in team or individual contests is ideal to express this fiery energy.

Aries 2017 Horoscope Decan 1
Previous Aries Monthly Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Aries January 2017 Horoscope

You start off the new year under some intense pressure which may leave you questioning your plans for the future. Most of the month should be business as usual. However, extra care is needed on the two most intense periods. Thankfully these Pluto alignments only last a few days.

Pluto square your decan this year means you are in for some major tests of character. It brings extreme forces in the form of other people and circumstances which mean you have to stand up and be counted. Power conflicts are common with this transit and these can be not only with authority figures like the law and bosses, but also in personal relationships.

Sun square your decan from December 31 to January 10 can represent a crisis in confidence because of challenges from events or from other people, most often from men or bosses, and teachers etc. Your ego is on the line, coming under pressure from others through arguments or challenges to your authority. This is not the time to push ahead but to hold onto what you have. A defensive approach is the best one now.

Sun conjunct Pluto from January 5 to 9 can lead power struggles. You may have to deal with underhand tactics such as controlling and manipulative behavior. Coming on too strong may cause relationships problems. Others may feel as if you are peering into their soul. Try to avoid interrogating loved ones and use your increased power to make positive transformation around you. Being selfless will bring the best results.

Mercury square your decan from January 22 to 31 can bring negative thoughts and harsh words. It is important to remember that you will be seeing the worst in everything and everyone. Poor instincts and a lack of judgement mean you will be misreading people and situations. Important meetings, negotiations and decisions should be scheduled for later in the month. Seek professional advice if you need to sign a contract. You had this same transit from December 10 to 27 when Mercury was retrograde. Similar themes as back then may arise this time.

Mercury conjunct Pluto From January 28 to 31 adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications. Avoid using your mental powers to deceive others. You have great power of persuasion and can influence other people. You can share spiritual truths just as easily as spreading propaganda. Power struggles are possible at the intellectual level, and this could involve thought projection and other non verbal ways of psyching people out.

Sun sextile your decan from January 29 to February 9 gives power of personal expression which helps in self promotion and the achievement of goals. You should be feeling confident, proud and enthusiastic. This is an excellent time to make real progress with the things in life that mean a lot to you, work, relationships and longer term goals.

Aries 2017 Horoscope Decan 2
Previous Aries Monthly Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Aries January 2017 Horoscope

You start off the new year under relaxed and sociable conditions. This first week of January is the best of the month with some more challenging transit ahead. However, the longer term influence mentioned below make the whole month a good one for you.

Uranus in your decan from April 2016 to March 2019 gives a strong urge to express yourself in new ways. You are more in tune, more aware of your true nature which may be rather different to the old you. The inner changes that you go through in this self discovery transit can manifest outwardly as big changes in your life from work to home and relationships.

Saturn trine your decan from December 2016 to December 2017 represents a time of steady progress where extra patience, determination and a strong sense of duty allow for great achievements. You will be balanced and focused, and not distracted from your goals and plans. Although not particularly an exciting or thrilling phase of life, it is very important because you are working hard on building safe and secure, lasting foundations for years to come.

Saturn trine Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 24. This transition is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically. You can find new days of doing old things without rocking the boat.

Jupiter opposite your decan from December 18 to late March 2017 encourages you to get more out of life, to spend more, experience more, to have more fun. Taking more than you really need will affect other people and this could even cause some relationships difficulties. You should not expect any serious problems from this transit, it is more of turning point where you reflect on what you have and what you really need to make you truly happy.

Jupiter opposite Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 26. This greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want. There is likely to be particular sudden event that releases your built up tension and leads to a major change in circumstances.

Venus sextile your decan from December 24 to January 4 gives you excellent social skills so dating and making new friends is favored. Other people will really appreciate your genuine and friendly attitude. Compliments, gifts and favors are possible, and asking for some help with money would not be out or order. You can spend a little extra on parties and amusements.

Mercury trine your decan from January 2 to 14 is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, in business or at work, and in your personal relationships. You will make a good impression on others so now is the perfect time to ask for a favor or apply for a new job or promotion. You can play an important role as a mediator if there has been any difficulties between friends or family lately. An excellent time for studies, exams, negotiations and contracts.

Sun square your decan from January 8 to 20 can represent a crisis in confidence because of challenges from events or from other people, most often from men or bosses, and teachers etc. Your ego is on the line, coming under pressure from others through arguments or challenges to your authority. This is not the time to push ahead but to hold onto what you have. A defensive approach is the best one now.

Sun square Uranus from January 8 to 12 requires open-mindedness and flexibility as you enter a stage of uncertainty. A buildup of nervous tension can result in unpredictable behavior on your part which can lead to abruptness, rapid changes in direction and even accidents. The best way to handle this erratic energy is to be proactive about positive change. Work out why you are feeling restless or what is causing the feeling of impending drama and chaos.

Sun square Jupiter from January 9 to 14 is like a double-edged sword. It can make you feel extremely confident, proud, lucky and optimistic. Because of Jupiter opposite Uranus, you will need to show respect, moderation and discipline. Don’t take on too many projects as this would end up wasting your energy and getting you nowhere in a hurry. Focus your energy on one or just a couple of projects. Have fun but don’t party too hard.

The January 12 full moon extends this challenging Sun transit until the January 27 New Moon. You may feel more moody than usual and face some upsets with your family or partner. Sore private time is needed if you feel more sensitive to the negative energies in public or social activities.

Mercury square your decan from January 30 to February 7 can bring negative thoughts and harsh words. It is important to remember that you will be seeing the worst in everything and everyone. Poor instincts and a lack of judgement mean you will be misreading people and situations. Important meetings, negotiations and decisions should be scheduled for later in the month. Seek professional advice if you need to sign a contract.

Mercury square Uranus from January 30 to February 2 brings excitement and change to your daily routine and interactions which can cause upsets and nervous tension. You may receive unexpected news or experience something unexpected that forces you to change plans. The normal tempo of life increases and you may have an unsettling feeling of always having to catch up. Chance encounters with others are possible, but friendships made now are likely to be short-lived.

Taurus Horoscope January 2017

January 2017 Taurus horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

Taurus Decan 1 born Apr 20 to 30

Taurus Decan 2 born May 1 to 10

Taurus Decan 3 born May 11 to 20

Decan 1 Taurus January 2017 Horoscope

Your new year begins in the same optimistic way 2016 ended. You social and love life look dreamy and you will be motivated to reach your goals. It is not until the final week or so of the month that a more conservative approach may be required.

Neptune sextile your decan from September 2016 to January 2017 is most strongly affecting those born late in Taurus decan 1. It has a subtle but overall positive effect on your outlook on life. It is likely that you will feel more connected in a spiritual way to your friends and family, viewing yourself more a part of the larger collective than ever before.

Mercury trine your decan from December 26 to January 5 brings clear thinking and sound judgement. This is usually the is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, perfect for signing contracts. However, Mercury is retrograde at this time as described below so maybe some important information is yet to come. Consider leaving final decisions until later in the month when this transit returns with Mercury heading in the right direction.

Mercury retrograde from December 19 to January 8 means you have this same Mercury transit again later this month. While this Christmas Mercury retrograde may be ideal for deep research and uncovering secrets, you will need to be on guard against all manner of devious plots, lies and back stabbing. For those interested in astrology or psychology, this should be a time of deep self-analysis and discovery.

Mars sextile your decan from December 18 to January 2 increases your physical energy, courage and self-confidence. This enables you to go after your desires, to get what you want without having to face much opposition. The attractive energy that you radiate means that sexual relations with a love partner are most rewarding. This strong and sexy influence is ideal for dating and making a good impression.

Mars conjunct Neptune from December 29 to January 3 can make your feel romantic and sensual or paranoid and delusional. How you handle this strange energy depends on how Mars and Neptune are aspecting your decan. If you are very sensitive and scare easily then you need to take precautions. If you are self-confident or consider yourself self-aware and evolved then you should enjoy this spiritual trip.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until theJanuary 27 New Moon but the best time for starting things is in the first 2 weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. The same philosophy applies to gardening. Plant during the waxing moon and harvest during the waning moon.

Venus sextile your decan from January 2 to 14 gives you excellent social skills so dating and making new friends is favored. Other people will really appreciate your genuine and friendly attitude. Compliments, gifts and favors are possible, and asking for some help with money would not be out or order. You can spend a little extra on parties and amusements.

Mercury sextile Venus from January 2 to 4 is a fun-loving and friendly influence making this a great day or two to relax and unwind. Socializing should be more enjoyable now because of less stress and more harmony in your relationships. You will have a greater ability to express your love and affection meaning your intimate relationships can benefit from closer bonding. Doing business is also favored because of a good head for numbers and ability to find win-win situations.

Venus conjunct Neptune from January 10 to 14 brings the potential for new romance or more compassion and spiritual binding in an existing relationship. If you have some free time, this is an excellent time to indulge in a creative hobby or relax with a movie or your favorite music. You will find yourself being drawn to anything of beauty, and want to stay well away from any situations or environments which are harsh or aggressive.

Mercury trine your decan again from January 11 to 25 is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, in business or at work, and in your personal relationships. You will make a good impression on others so now is the perfect time to ask for a favor or apply for a new job or promotion. You can play an important role as a mediator if there has been any difficulties between friends or family lately. An excellent time for studies, exams, negotiations and contracts.

Mercury sextile Neptune from January 21 to 25 is good for relaxation, creativity, communication and spiritual pursuits. Your words become soothing and can actually be healing to others. All of your senses become acute, enabling you to pick up a lot of extra information through your intuition. You may even receive spiritual information through dreams, meditation, your spirit guide or through chance encounters.

Sun square your decan from January 19 to 30 can represent a crisis in confidence because of challenges from events or from other people, most often from men or bosses, and teachers etc. Your ego is on the line, coming under pressure from others through arguments or challenges to your authority. This is not the time to push ahead but to hold onto what you have. A defensive approach is the best one now.

The January 27 New Moon extends your testing Sun transit until the February 26 Solar Eclipse. This can add to the pressure you feel in your personal or professional life. If you are forced to make changes or compromises then the best time for doing so is from January 27 to theFebruary 10 Lunar Eclipse.

Taurus 2017 Horoscope Decan 1
Previous Taurus Monthly Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Taurus January 2017 Horoscope

Harmonious conditions at the end of 2016 look to continue for the majority of January 2017. All areas of you life benefit for increasing power and influence. Extreme stamina and determination are a great recipe for success. It is not until the final days of the month that a more conservative approach may be required.

Pluto trine your decan this year gives you awesome personal power and influence. The extreme boost to your ego and confidence levels means that you will be able to make big advances in all areas of life. People will be drawn to your strong presence and charisma and there is no bad karma in taking advantage of this. Important and powerful people will genuinely want to team up with you.

Neptune sextile your decan from January 2017 to February 2021 is most strongly affecting those born late in Taurus decan 1. It has a subtle but overall positive effect on your outlook on life. It is likely that you will feel more connected in a spiritual way to your friends and family, viewing yourself more a part of the larger collective than ever before.

Sun trine your decan from December 30 to January 10 brings harmonious relationships because of an inner feeling of calm and balance. Your plans should work out well and your goals can be more easily achieved than at other times. Other people will not stand in your way, and you can expect favors or at least less resistance from others. Career advancement is favored because of increased confidence and ease.

Sun conjunct Pluto from January 5 to 9 greatly increases your personal power and ability to influence the outcomes in your life. You have a talent now for deep research and investigation. This also applies at the psychological level where you can gain insights about any destructive behaviors such as obsessions and addictions. This is also a good time to get to the bottom of any serious relationships difficulties. Complex relationship dynamics will become clearer to you.

Mars sextile your decan from January 1 to 15 increases your physical energy, courage and self-confidence. This enables you to go after your desires, to get what you want without having to face much opposition. The attractive energy that you radiate means that sexual relations with a love partner are most rewarding. This strong and sexy influence is ideal for dating and making a good impression.

Mars sextile Pluto from January 8 to 13 gives a tremendous surge of energy to achieve your objectives and your passionate desires. This goal-directed energy is intense yet well-regulated, giving endurance and stamina. Once you have decided on a course of action, you will keep going with determination until you reach your objective. You will be projecting you physicality and sexuality strongly, and will appear most attractive in this state.

Venus sextile your decan from January 12 to 23 gives you excellent social skills so dating and making new friends is favored. Other people will really appreciate your genuine and friendly attitude. Compliments, gifts and favors are possible, and asking for some help with money would not be out or order. You can spend a little extra on parties and amusements.

Venus sextile Pluto from January 18 to 22 deepens your love to an intense level. Companionship becomes more important as you feel a longing to share love with someone special. If single you may become obsessed with someone and not be able to get them out of your mind. Any new romance now would be a whirlwind experience and greatly change your life. If new love is not on offer, then hanging around friends or mixing in a group will meet you need to share and care.

Mercury trine your decan from January 22 to 31 is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, in business or at work, and in your personal relationships. You will make a good impression on others so now is the perfect time to ask for a favor or apply for a new job or promotion. You can play an important role as a mediator if there has been any difficulties between friends or family lately. An excellent time for studies, exams, negotiations and contracts. You had this same transit from December 10 to 27 when Mercury was retrograde. Similar themes as back then may arise this time.

Mercury conjunct Pluto From January 28 to 31 adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications. This is a good time to get to the bottom of troubling issues. You can uncover secrets through study and research, or through probing and questioning others. You can more easily gain a thorough understanding of mysteries and occult subjects like astrology. This would be an excellent time to visit a counselor or to gain greater understanding of the relationships dynamics of a partnership you are involved in.

Sun square your decan from January 29 to February 9 can represent a crisis in confidence because of challenges from events or from other people, most often from men or bosses, and teachers etc. Your ego is on the line, coming under pressure from others through arguments or challenges to your authority. This is not the time to push ahead but to hold onto what you have. A defensive approach is the best one now.

Taurus 2017 Horoscope Decan 2
Previous Taurus Monthly Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Taurus January 2017 Horoscope

Your start to the new year favors lazing around but it is back to action after week one. A series of energetic yet harmonious transits to follow are great for both work and play.

Venus square your decan from December 24 to January 3 increases your need for love and affection but any underlying relationship tension may rise to the surface. This is especially true if you expect too much without first showing how much you care. Overindulgence with money is something to be careful of at this time as racking up unnecessary debt on the credit card is a real temptation.

Sun trine your decan from January 9 to 20 brings harmonious relationships because of an inner feeling of calm and balance. Your plans should work out well and your goals can be more easily achieved than at other times. Other people will not stand in your way, and you can expect favors or at least less resistance from others. Career advancement is favored because of increased confidence and ease.

The January 12 full moon extends this enjoyable Sun transit until the January 27 New Moon. Emotional balance and harmonious relationships should have you in a good mood most of the time. Your home, family and women in particular will be a great source of emotional nourishment and support.

Mars sextile your decan from January 14 to 29 increases your physical energy, courage and self-confidence. This enables you to go after your desires, to get what you want without having to face much opposition. The attractive energy that you radiate means that sexual relations with a love partner are most rewarding. This strong and sexy influence is ideal for dating and making a good impression.

Venus sextile your decan from January 22 to February 4 gives you excellent social skills so dating and making new friends is favored. Other people will really appreciate your genuine and friendly attitude. Compliments, gifts and favors are possible, and asking for some help with money would not be out or order. You can spend a little extra on parties and amusements.

Mercury trine your decan from January 30 to February 7 is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, in business or at work, and in your personal relationships. You will make a good impression on others so now is the perfect time to ask for a favor or apply for a new job or promotion. You can play an important role as a mediator if there has been any difficulties between friends or family lately. An excellent time for studies, exams, negotiations and contracts.

Gemini Horoscope January 2017

January 2017 Gemini horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

Gemini Decan 1 born May 21 to 31

Gemini Decan 2 born Jun 1 to 10

Gemini Decan 3 born Jun 11 to 20

Decan 1 Gemini January 2017 Horoscope

Much like the end of 2016, you have a low energy start to the new year. Misunderstandings and confusion may enter close relationships. However, the outlook is much clearer for the second half of January 2016 with the return of your energy and enthusiasm.

Neptune square your decan from September 2016 to January 2017 is most strongly affecting those born late in Gemini decan 1. This tends to eat away at, or dissolve your sense of self which can be seen as a weakening of your ego. Neptune tends to creep up on you, so this is a gradual process but at some stage you will realize that you may not have a much drive or energy as you did a year or so ago.

Mars square your decan from December 18 to January 2 creates a buildup of energy inside and a strong desire to assert yourself in an aggressive manner. This can result in frustration, anger and conflict. Difficulties in all relationships but especially love relationships can occur at this time if you force your desires onto other people. Release this hot energy safely through exercise, sport or self-gratification.

Mars conjunct Neptune from December 29 to January 3 can make your feel romantic and sensual or paranoid and delusional. How you handle this strange energy depends on how Mars and Neptune are aspecting your decan. If you are very sensitive and scare easily then you need to take precautions. If you are self-confident or consider yourself self-aware and evolved then you should enjoy this spiritual trip.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until theJanuary 27 New Moon but the best time for starting things is in the first 2 weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. You should, however, remain conservative with your goals as energy and confidence may be lacking as you enter the new year.

Venus square your decan January 2 to 14 increases your need for love and affection but any underlying relationship tension may rise to the surface. This is especially true if you expect too much without first showing how much you care. Overindulgence with money is something to be careful of at this time as racking up unnecessary debt on the credit card is a real temptation.

Venus conjunct Neptune from January 10 to 14 brings the potential for new romance or more compassion and spiritual binding in an existing relationship. However, the square from both planets increases the risk of disappointment if you have not been accepting the harsh realities of a negative relationship. At work or with other routine duties, you may have some difficulty getting motivates as there is a tendency with this transit to laze about and daydream.

Sun trine your decan from January 19 to 30 brings harmonious relationships because of an inner feeling of calm and balance. Your plans should work out well and your goals can be more easily achieved than at other times. Other people will not stand in your way, and you can expect favors or at least less resistance from others. Career advancement is favored because of increased confidence and ease.

The January 27 New Moon extends your fortunate Sun transit until the February 26 Solar Eclipse. This fresh boost of energy is perfect for making a new start in your personal or professional life. The best timing for starting your new project is from January 27 to theFebruary 10 Lunar Eclipse.

Mars sextile your decan from January 27 to February 11 increases your physical energy, courage and self-confidence. This enables you to go after your desires, to get what you want without having to face much opposition. The attractive energy that you radiate means that sexual relations with a love partner are most rewarding. This strong and sexy influence is ideal for dating and making a good impression.

Gemini 2017 Horoscope Decan 1
Previous Gemini Monthly Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Gemini January 2017 Horoscope

The new year sees the end of one long-term transit and the start of another. A restrictive Saturn influence is now replaced by a confusing Neptune influence. It will not be strong to start with as Neptune does not make any contacts with your other transits. A below average start to the year but much better conditions begin at the end of January 2017.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until theJanuary 27 New Moon but the best time for starting things is in the first 2 weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. You should, however, remain conservative with your goals as energy and confidence may be lacking as you enter the new year.

Neptune square your decan from January 2017 to February 2021 is most strongly affecting those born early in Gemini decan 2. This transit tends to eat away at, or dissolve your sense of self which can be seen as a weakening of your ego. Neptune tends to creep up on you, so this is a gradual process but at some stage you will realize that you may not have a much drive or energy as you did a year or so ago.

Mars square your decan from January 1 to 15 creates a buildup of energy inside and a strong desire to assert yourself in an aggressive manner. This can result in frustration, anger and conflict. Difficulties in all relationships but especially love relationships can occur at this time if you force your desires onto other people. Release this hot energy safely through exercise, sport or self-gratification.

Venus square your decan January 12 to 23 increases your need for love and affection but any underlying relationship tension may rise to the surface. This is especially true if you expect too much without first showing how much you care. Overindulgence with money is something to be careful of at this time as racking up unnecessary debt on the credit card is a real temptation.

Sun trine your decan from January 29 to February 9 brings harmonious relationships because of an inner feeling of calm and balance. Your plans should work out well and your goals can be more easily achieved than at other times. Other people will not stand in your way, and you can expect favors or at least less resistance from others. Career advancement is favored because of increased confidence and ease.

Gemini 2017 Horoscope Decan 2
Previous Gemini Monthly Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Gemini January 2017 Horoscope

You have a busy start to the new year with many different influences to deal with. The main player this month is Saturn so you are likely to feel burdened with extra responsibilities and hard work. However, hard work will be rewarded soon when your more fortunate transits prevail.

Uranus sextile your decan from April 2016 to March 2019 lets you express yourself more fully, more in tune with who you really are. This will be liberating and you may be pleasantly surprised by how your ego gets a lift from a new and unique personality. Gaining more freedom is likely and air travel would be a good way to experience more of the world. Meeting new and unusual people is another theme of this transit as is more involvement with friends and groups.

Saturn opposite your decan from December 2016 to December 2017 can be a draining time because you are more likely to feel weighed down and pessimistic about the challenges and blockages to your progress. These tests which we all go through seem more serious and more numerous. You can feel more burdened and restricted in your freedom or self-expression.

Saturn trine Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 24. This transition is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically. You can find new days of doing old things without rocking the boat.

Jupiter trine your decan from mid December 2016 to late March 2017 is a time of good feelings and well-being. This is the perfect time to make the effort to get ahead while there is less likelihood of facing opposition or challenges. Your personal relationships can be enriched by your positive attitude and sociability, as can your own personal growth and self-esteem. Lady luck is on your side.

Jupiter opposite Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 26. This greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want. There is likely to be particular sudden event that releases your built up tension and leads to a major change in circumstances.

Venus trine your decan from December 24 to January 3 should have you feeling and looking your best. This is a time of low stress when life flows smoothly with few cares or worries. A great time to start a vacation or enjoy pampering yourself with a beauty treatment. Increased personal beauty makes this a great time for dating or spending quality time with a loved one.

Mercury opposite your decan from January 2 to 14 brings conflict and tension into this busy time. Communications and mental activity are stimulated now so it may be difficult to avoid arguments. It is you who has to think of others and seek a compromise, at least to settle things down before you push your agenda. Important decisions and negotiation should be avoided, and this is a bad time for bargaining, making business deals or signing contracts.

Mars square your decan from January 14 to 29 creates a buildup of energy inside and a strong desire to assert yourself in an aggressive manner. This can result in frustration, anger and conflict. Difficulties in all relationships but especially love relationships can occur at this time if you force your desires onto other people. Release this hot energy safely through exercise, sport or self-gratification.

Mars square Saturn from January 16 to 22 brings a week or so of frustration and inhibition. Your desires grow stronger but it harder to express your passions and achieve success. The harder you push, the more resistance you will face. Authority figures and superiors such as your father, other dominant men or teachers and bosses may put you down, restrict your ambitions and stop you from achieving what you want. This is not a winning transit and the best approach now is a defensive one.

Venus square your decan January 22 to February 4 increases your need for love and affection but any underlying relationship tension may rise to the surface. This is especially true if you expect too much without first showing how much you care. Overindulgence with money is something to be careful of at this time as racking up unnecessary debt on the credit card is a real temptation.

Venus square Saturn from January 25 to 30 can add stress to intimate relationships due to negative feelings, distance or other relationships problems. Most of these hindrances will stem from your own fears or criticisms, but you may face the same from others. To maintain harmony in relationships, it would be better to spend some time alone, but don’t ignore the affections and love of others either. Putting in the extra effort will reduce the risk of relationship dramas.

Cancer Horoscope January 2017

January 2017 Cancer horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

Cancer Decan 1 born June 21 to July 1

Cancer Decan 2 born July 2 to 12

Cancer Decan 3 born July 13 to 22

Decan 1 Cancer January 2017 Horoscope

Mercury retrograde continues to complicate your life for the first week of the new year. Thankfully, Venus restores some tranquility and maybe even romance after that. Make the most of this relaxing period before you get busy again at the end of January 2017.

Neptune trine your decan from September 2016 to January 2017 is most strongly affecting those born in late Cancer decan 1. It allows you to follow a more spiritual path which does not have to result from some health crisis or from losing your way. This is a great transit for relationships and should deepen the spiritual connection between partners. There is also a good chance of meeting an ideal partner, a soul mate you can really connect with.

Mercury opposite your decan from December 26 to January 5 brings conflict and tension into this busy time. Communications and mental activity are stimulated now so it may be difficult to avoid arguments. It is you who has to think of others and seek a compromise, at least to settle things down before you push your agenda. Important decisions and negotiation should be avoided, and this is a bad time for bargaining, making business deals or signing contracts.

Mercury retrograde from December 19 to January 8 means you have this same Mercury transit again later this month. While this Christmas Mercury retrograde may be ideal for deep research and uncovering secrets, you will need to be on guard against all manner of devious plots, lies and back stabbing. For those interested in astrology or psychology, this should be a time of deep self-analysis and discovery.

Mars trine your decan from December 18 to January 2 gives an increase in energy levels, self-confidence and sexual desire that is well-balanced and not aggressive or threatening to other people. This is a most favorable time to achieve your desires and to reach your goals. In all your relationships, love and professional, people warm to you and admire your directness and confidence.

Mars conjunct Neptune from December 29 to January 3 should make your feel romantic and sensual. Your dreams can come true now so be brave and strong while following you most passionate desires. This is an excellent time for dating and attracting your dream lover.

Venus trine your decan from January 2 to 14 should have you feeling and looking your best. This is a time of low stress when life flows smoothly with few cares or worries. A great time to start a vacation or enjoy pampering yourself with a beauty treatment. Increased personal beauty makes this a great time for dating or spending quality time with a loved one.

Mercury sextile Venus from January 2 to 4 is a fun-loving and friendly influence making this a great day or two to relax and unwind. Socializing should be more enjoyable now because of less stress and more harmony in your relationships. You will have a greater ability to express your love and affection meaning your intimate relationships can benefit from closer bonding. Doing business is also favored because of a good head for numbers and ability to find win-win situations.

Venus conjunct Neptune from January 10 to 14 brings the potential for new romance or more compassion and spiritual binding in an existing relationship. If you have some free time, this is an excellent time to indulge in a creative hobby or relax with a movie or your favorite music. You will find yourself being drawn to anything of beauty, and want to stay well away from any situations or environments which are harsh or aggressive.

Mercury opposite your decan again from January 11 to 25 still brings some mental stress but this time Mercury is moving in the right direction. This should reduce your stress levels but still take extra care with paperwork and important decisions. The friendly Neptune contact below will further reduce any relationships dramas from January 21.

Mercury sextile Neptune from January 21 to 25 is good for relaxation, creativity, communication and spiritual pursuits. Your words become soothing and can actually be healing to others. All of your senses become acute, enabling you to pick up a lot of extra information through your intuition. You may even receive spiritual information through dreams, meditation, your spirit guide or through chance encounters.

Mars square your decan from January 27 to February 11 creates a buildup of energy inside and a strong desire to assert yourself in an aggressive manner. This can result in frustration, anger and conflict. Difficulties in all relationships but especially love relationships can occur at this time if you force your desires onto other people. Release this hot energy safely through exercise, sport or self-gratification.

Cancer 2017 Horoscope Decan 1
Previous Cancer Monthly Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Cancer January 2017 Horoscope

Even with some rough patches at the beginning and end of the month, January 2017 has much friendlier stars than the end of last year. Your love life in particular may rise to a new level of intensity and passion.

Pluto opposite your decan all year dramatically increases your need to take control of your life and over the lives of people around you. You may find yourself acting out of character, becoming almost ruthless in trying to achieve your personal goals. It is through confrontation and power struggles that soul evolution takes place. You are learning how to wield your own power.

Neptune trine your decan from January 2017 to February 2021 is most strongly affecting those born in late Cancer decan 1. It allows you to follow a more spiritual path which does not have to result from some health crisis or from losing your way. This is a great transit for relationships and should deepen the spiritual connection between partners. There is also a good chance of meeting an ideal partner, a soul mate you can really connect with.

Sun opposite your decan from December 31 to January 10 can be a difficult time because your ego may get in the way of achieving what you want. Competitors and enemies oppose your efforts and challenge who you are, so you have to fight to express your true identity and to reach your goals. You may have to tone down your self-assertion and think about what you are really trying to achieve, and if this is the best option for you.

Sun conjunct Pluto from January 5 to 9 can lead power struggles. You may have to deal with underhand tactics such as controlling and manipulative behavior. Coming on too strong may cause relationships problems. Others may feel as if you are peering into their soul. Try to avoid interrogating loved ones and use your increased power to make positive transformation around you. Being selfless will bring the best results.

Mars trine your decan from January 1 to 15 gives an increase in energy levels, self-confidence and sexual desire that is well-balanced and not aggressive or threatening to other people. This is a most favorable time to achieve your desires and to reach your goals. In all your relationships, love and professional, people warm to you and admire your directness and confidence.

Mars sextile Pluto from January 8 to 13 gives a tremendous surge of energy to achieve your objectives and your passionate desires. This goal-directed energy is intense yet well-regulated, giving endurance and stamina. Once you have decided on a course of action, you will keep going with determination until you reach your objective. You will be projecting you physicality and sexuality strongly, and will appear most attractive in this state.

Venus trine your decan from January 12 to 23 should have you feeling and looking your best. This is a time of low stress when life flows smoothly with few cares or worries. A great time to start a vacation or enjoy pampering yourself with a beauty treatment. Increased personal beauty makes this a great time for dating or spending quality time with a loved one.

Venus sextile Pluto from January 18 to 22 deepens your love to an intense level. Companionship becomes more important as you feel a longing to share love with someone special. If single you may become obsessed with someone and not be able to get them out of your mind. Any new romance now would be a whirlwind experience and greatly change your life. If new love is not on offer, then hanging around friends or mixing in a group will meet you need to share and care.

Mercury opposite your decan from January 22 to 31 brings conflict and tension into this busy time. Communications and mental activity are stimulated now so it may be difficult to avoid arguments. It is you who has to think of others and seek a compromise, at least to settle things down before you push your agenda. Important decisions and negotiation should be avoided, and this is a bad time for bargaining, making business deals or signing contracts. You had this same transit from December 10 to 27 when Mercury was retrograde. Similar themes as back then may arise this time.

Mercury conjunct Pluto From January 28 to 31 adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications. Avoid using your mental powers to deceive others. You have great power of persuasion and can influence other people. You can share spiritual truths just as easily as spreading propaganda. Power struggles are possible at the intellectual level, and this could involve thought projection and other non verbal ways of psyching people out.

Cancer 2017 Horoscope Decan 2
Previous Cancer Monthly Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Cancer January 2017 Horoscope

You start the new year with so much going on you may feel pulled in different directions. The level of complexity in your life will subside by mid January 2016. This coincides with a well timed boost to your energy levels and more enjoyable encounters.

Uranus square your decan from April 2016 to March 2019 is likely to be a time of disruption as Uranus tests you with unexpected changes which affect your routine and life in general. The change may come from within you especially if you feel you have not been able to live as you truly wish, being constrained by others or circumstance. The key to handling this period is to think outside the box, be flexible and be prepared to move on if you get signals that you are on the wrong path.

Saturn trine Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 24. This transition is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically. You can find new days of doing old things without rocking the boat.

Jupiter square your decan from mid December 2016 to late March 2017 brings hope and optimism with an urge to expand your horizons. Jupiter tends to exaggerate and this will apply to your confidence and ego. You can get lucky and popular now,and it’s OK to be proud of your achievements. However, being too vain or expecting too much of others may cause relationship problems.

Jupiter opposite Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 26. This greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want. There is likely to be particular sudden event that releases your built up tension and leads to a major change in circumstances.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until theJanuary 27 nNew Moon but the best time for starting things is in the first 2 weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. The same philosophy applies to gardening. Plant during the waxing moon and harvest during the waning moon.

Sun opposite your decan from January 8 to 20 can be a difficult time because your ego may get in the way of achieving what you want. Competitors and enemies oppose your efforts and challenge who you are, so you have to fight to express your true identity and to reach your goals. You may have to tone down your self-assertion and think about what you are really trying to achieve, and if this is the best option for you.

Sun square Uranus from January 8 to 12 requires open-mindedness and flexibility as you enter a stage of uncertainty. A buildup of nervous tension can result in unpredictable behavior on your part which can lead to abruptness, rapid changes in direction and even accidents. The best way to handle this erratic energy is to be proactive about positive change. Work out why you are feeling restless or what is causing the feeling of impending drama and chaos.

Sun square Jupiter from January 9 to 14 is like a double-edged sword. It can make you feel extremely confident, proud, lucky and optimistic. Because of Jupiter opposite Uranus, you will need to show respect, moderation and discipline. Don’t take on too many projects as this would end up wasting your energy and getting you nowhere in a hurry. Focus your energy on one or just a couple of projects. Have fun but don’t party too hard.

The January 12 full moon extends this challenging Sun transit until the January 27 New Moon. You may feel more moody than usual and face some upsets with your family or partner. Sore private time is needed if you feel more sensitive to the negative energies in public or social activities.

Mars trine your decan from January 14 to 29 gives an increase in energy levels, self-confidence and sexual desire that is well-balanced and not aggressive or threatening to other people. This is a most favorable time to achieve your desires and to reach your goals. In all your relationships, love and professional, people warm to you and admire your directness and confidence.

Venus trine your decan from January 22 to February 4 should have you feeling and looking your best. This is a time of low stress when life flows smoothly with few cares or worries. A great time to start a vacation or enjoy pampering yourself with a beauty treatment. Increased personal beauty makes this a great time for dating or spending quality time with a loved one.

Mercury opposite your decan from January 30 to February 7 brings conflict and tension into this busy time. Communications and mental activity are stimulated now so it may be difficult to avoid arguments. It is you who has to think of others and seek a compromise, at least to settle things down before you push your agenda. Important decisions and negotiation should be avoided, and this is a bad time for bargaining, making business deals or signing contracts.

Mercury square Uranus from January 30 to February 2 brings excitement and change to your daily routine and interactions which can cause upsets and nervous tension. You may receive unexpected news or experience something unexpected that forces you to change plans. The normal tempo of life increases and you may have an unsettling feeling of always having to catch up. Chance encounters with others are possible, but friendships made now are likely to be short-lived.

Leo Horoscope January 2017

January 2017 Leo horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use thefree horoscope to find your decan.

Leo Decan 1 born Jul 23 to Aug 2

Leo Decan 2 born Aug 3 to 12

Leo Decan 3 born Aug 13 to 22

Decan 1 Leo January 2017 Horoscope

Two alignments to mystical Neptune offer romance but also some strange experiences to start the new year. A more competitive environment towards the end of January 2017 should result in victory with your courage and confidence on the rise.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until theJanuary 27 New Moon but the best time for starting things is in the first two weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. The same philosophy applies to gardening. Plant during the waxing moon and harvest during the waning moon.

Mars conjunct Neptune from December 29 to January 3 can make your feel romantic and sensual or paranoid and delusional. How you handle this strange energy depends on how Mars and Neptune are aspecting your decan. If you are very sensitive and scare easily then you need to take precautions. If you are self-confident or consider yourself self-aware and evolved then you should enjoy this spiritual trip.

Venus conjunct Neptune from January 10 to 14 brings the potential for new romance or more compassion and spiritual binding in an existing relationship. If you have some free time, this is an excellent time to indulge in a creative hobby or relax with a movie or your favorite music. You will find yourself being drawn to anything of beauty, and want to stay well away from any situations or environments which are harsh or aggressive.

Sun opposite your decan from January 19 to 20 can be a difficult time because your ego may get in the way of achieving what you want. Competitors and enemies oppose your efforts and challenge who you are, so you have to fight to express your true identity and to reach your goals. You may have to tone down your self-assertion and think about what you are really trying to achieve, and if this is the best option for you.

The January 27 New Moon extends your testing Sun transit until the February 26 Solar Eclipse. This can add to the pressure you feel in your personal or professional life. If you are forced to make changes or compromises then the best time for doing so is from January 27 to theFebruary 10 Lunar Eclipse.

Mars trine your decan from January 27 to February 11 gives an increase in energy levels, self-confidence and sexual desire that is well-balanced and not aggressive or threatening to other people. This is a most favorable time to achieve your desires and to reach your goals. In all your relationships, love and professional, people warm to you and admire your directness and confidence.

Leo 2017 Horoscope Decan 1
Previous Leo Monthly Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Leo January 2017 Horoscope

You may feel the tempo slow down as you enter the new year. Two significant transits have just ended from Jupiter and Saturn so now you can concern yourself with lighter maters. Despite some intense Pluto alignment you should have a relatively carefree month.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until theJanuary 27 New Moon but the best time for starting things is in the first 2 weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. Stay tuned for an update about the major themes from this final moon phase of 2016.

Sun conjunct Pluto from January 5 to 9 can lead power struggles. You may have to deal with underhand tactics such as controlling and manipulative behavior. Coming on too strong may cause relationships problems. Others may feel as if you are peering into their soul. Try to avoid interrogating loved ones and use your increased power to make positive transformation around you. Being selfless will bring the best results.

The January 12 full moon will increase your emotional sensitivity until the January 27 New Moon. Emotional balance and harmonious relationships should have you in a good mood most of the time. Your home, family and women in particular will be a great source of emotional nourishment and support.

Mercury conjunct Pluto From January 28 to 31 adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications. Avoid using your mental powers to deceive others. You have great power of persuasion and can influence other people. You can share spiritual truths just as easily as spreading propaganda. Power struggles are possible at the intellectual level, and this could involve thought projection and other non verbal ways of psyching people out.

Sun opposite your decan from January 29 to February 9 can be a difficult time because your ego may get in the way of achieving what you want. Competitors and enemies oppose your efforts and challenge who you are, so you have to fight to express your true identity and to reach your goals. You may have to tone down your self-assertion and think about what you are really trying to achieve, and if this is the best option for you.

Leo 2017 Horoscope Decan 2
Previous Leo Monthly Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Leo January 2017 Horoscope

You begin the new year with very significant long-term influences combining to bring wonderful surprises and great opportunities to get ahead. It is a rare thing to have three harmonious long-term transits at the same time. Take advantage of your good fortune, especially in the first week of the month.

Uranus trine your decan from April 2016 to March 2019 allows you to make very important changes in your life without the usual disruption that big changes often bring. The stimulating changes taking place in your life and the inner excitement means you can express a more bubbly side of your personality. You are more free, less inhibited, and so can be more comfortable and even proud of being a bit weird.

Saturn trine your decan from December 2016 to December 2017 represents a time of steady progress where extra patience, determination and a strong sense of duty allow for great achievements. You will be balanced and focused, and not distracted from your goals and plans. Although not particularly an exciting or thrilling phase of life, it is very important because you are working hard on building safe and secure, lasting foundations for years to come.

Saturn trine Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 24. This transition is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically. You can find new days of doing old things without rocking the boat.

Jupiter sextile your decan from mid December 2016 to late March 2017 should be a time of happiness and optimism when good things seem to come more easily. Health and vitality should be high which enables you to take full advantage of this generally very lucky transit. You should be feeling sociable and can expect good relations with loved ones as well as people at work and in group activities.

Jupiter opposite Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 26. This greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want. There is likely to be particular sudden event that releases your built up tension and leads to a major change in circumstances.

Venus opposite your decan from December 24 to January 3 increases your desires for love and affection but problems can arise if you lower you standards. You could enter a new relationship that is really not in your best interests. Lack of discipline and overindulgence are other things to be mindful of at the moment, not the best time to go on a spending spree or to ask for favors especially borrowing money.

Mercury trine your decan again from January 2 to 14 is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, in business or at work, and in your personal relationships. You will make a good impression on others so now is the perfect time to ask for a favor or apply for a new job or promotion. You can play an important role as a mediator if there has been any difficulties between friends or family lately. An excellent time for studies, exams, negotiations and contra

Virgo Horoscope 2017

January 2017 Virgo horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

Virgo Decan 1 born Aug 23 to Sep 2

Virgo Decan 2 born Sep 3 to 12

Virgo Decan 3 born Sep 13 to 22

Decan 1 Virgo January 2017 Horoscope

The strange experiences I mentioned last month may continue early this year as your social life gets a boost. While romance is in the air, you should be wary of deceitful people. You will have much greater clarity toward the end of the month. Major decisions, especially about relationships, are best left to then.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until the January 27 new moon but the best time for starting things is in the first 2 weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. You should, however, remain conservative with your goals as energy and confidence may be lacking as you enter the new year.

Neptune opposite your decan from September 2016 to January 2017 is most strongly affecting those born late in Virgo decan 1. It gives insights into your true identity, one which has probably been hidden from view for a long time. Neptune acts as a mirror through the other people in your lives, because it is by this feedback in relationships that you learn more about yourself.

Mercury trine your decan from December 26 to January 5 brings clear thinking and sound judgment. This is usually the is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, perfect for signing contracts. However, Mercury is retrograde at this time as described below so maybe some important information is yet to come. Consider leaving final decision until later in the month when this transit returns with Mercury heading in the right direction.

Mercury retrograde from December 19 to January 8 means you have this same Mercury transit again later this month. While this Christmas Mercury retrograde may be ideal for deep research and uncovering secrets, you will need to be on guard against all manner of devious plots, lies and back stabbing. For those interested in astrology or psychology, this should be a time of deep self-analysis and discovery.

Mars opposite your decan from December 18 to January 2 presents a challenge you have to overcome in order to achieve a certain goal or simply to be yourself. Anger and frustration are likely as other people stand in your way or directly oppose your will. This is a difficult time to fully achieve what you want so you must choose your battles carefully. Unless your objectives are noble and not threatening to others, a tactical retreat may serve you best.

Mars conjunct Neptune from December 29 to January 3 can make your feel romantic and sensual or paranoid and delusional. The overall positive nature of the associated transit means you should enjoy this spiritual trip. This final week of the year sure is busy and intense but you will be alert and very intuitive.

Venus opposite your decan from January 2 to 14 increases your desires for love and affection but problems can arise if you lower you standards. You could enter a new relationship that is really not in your best interests. Lack of discipline and overindulgence are other things to be mindful of at the moment, not the best time to go on a spending spree or to ask for favors especially borrowing money.

Mercury sextile Venus from January 2 to 4 is a fun-loving and friendly influence making this a great day or two to relax and unwind. Socializing should be more enjoyable now because of less stress and more harmony in your relationships. You will have a greater ability to express your love and affection meaning your intimate relationships can benefit from closer bonding. Doing business is also favored because of a good head for numbers and ability to find win-win situations.

Venus conjunct Neptune from January 10 to 14 brings the potential for new romance or more compassion and spiritual binding in an existing relationship. However, the opposition from both planets increases the risk of disappointment if you have not been accepting the harsh realities of a negative relationship. At work or with other routine duties, you may have some difficulty getting motivates as there is a tendency with this transit to laze about and daydream.

Mercury trine your decan again from January 11 to 25 is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, in business or at work, and in your personal relationships. You will make a good impression on others so now is the perfect time to ask for a favor or apply for a new job or promotion. You can play an important role as a mediator if there has been any difficulties between friends or family lately. An excellent time for studies, exams, negotiations and contracts.

Mercury sextile Neptune from January 21 to 25 is good for relaxation, creativity, communication and spiritual pursuits. Your words become soothing and can actually be healing to others. All of your senses become acute, enabling you to pick up a lot of extra information through your intuition. You may even receive spiritual information through dreams, meditation, your spirit guide or through chance encounters.

Virgo 2017 Horoscope Decan 1
Previous Virgo Monthly Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Virgo January 2017 Horoscope

The new year sees an end to the restrictions and burdens of Saturn, but the intensity of Pluto remains. You should feel this powerful force as a great determination to achieve success and be somebody. This will be easier to achieve at the beginning and end of the month.

Pluto trine your decan this year gives you awesome personal power and influence. The extreme boost to your ego and confidence levels means that you will be able to make big advances in all areas of life. People will be drawn to your strong presence and charisma and there is no bad karma in taking advantage of this because important and powerful people will genuinely want to team up with you.

Neptune opposite your decan from January 2017 to February 2021 is most strongly affecting those born late in Virgo decan 1. It gives insights into your true identity, one which has probably been hidden from view for a long time. Neptune acts as a mirror through the other people in your lives, because it is by this feedback in relationships that you learn more about yourself.

Sun trine your decan from December 31 to January 10 brings harmonious relationships because of an inner feeling of calm and balance. Your plans should work out well and your goals can be more easily achieved than at other times. Other people will not stand in your way, and you can expect favors or at least less resistance from others. Career advancement is favored because of increased confidence and ease.

Sun conjunct Pluto from January 5 to 9 greatly increases your personal power and ability to influence the outcomes in your life. You have a talent now for deep research and investigation. This also applies at the psychological level where you can gain insights about any destructive behaviors such as obsessions and addictions. This is also a good time to get to the bottom of any serious relationships difficulties. Complex relationship dynamics will become clearer to you.

Mars opposite your decan from January 1 to 15 presents a challenge you have to overcome in order to achieve a certain goal or simply to be yourself. Anger and frustration are likely as other people stand in your way or directly oppose your will. This is a difficult time to fully achieve what you want so you must choose your battles carefully. Unless your objectives are noble and not threatening to others, a tactical retreat may serve you best.

Mars sextile Pluto from January 8 to 13 gives a tremendous surge of energy to achieve your objectives and your passionate desires. This goal-directed energy is intense yet well-regulated, giving endurance and stamina. Once you have decided on a course of action, you will keep going with determination until you reach your objective. You will be projecting you physicality and sexuality strongly, and will appear most attractive in this state.

Venus opposite your decan from January 12 to 23 increases your desires for love and affection but problems can arise if you lower you standards. You could enter a new relationship that is really not in your best interests. Lack of discipline and overindulgence are other things to be mindful of at the moment, not the best time to go on a spending spree or to ask for favors, especially borrowing money.

Venus sextile Pluto from January 18 to 22 deepens your love to an intense level. Companionship becomes more important as you feel a longing to share love with someone special. If single you may become obsessed with someone and not be able to get them out of your mind. Any new romance now would be a whirlwind experience and greatly change your life. If new love is not on offer, then hanging around friends or mixing in a group will meet you need to share and care.

Mercury trine your decan from January 22 to 31 is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, in business or at work, and in your personal relationships. You will make a good impression on others so now is the perfect time to ask for a favor or apply for a new job or promotion. You can play an important role as a mediator if there has been any difficulties between friends or family lately. An excellent time for studies, exams, negotiations and contracts. You had this same transit from December 10 to 27 when Mercury was retrograde. Similar themes as back then may arise this time.

Mercury conjunct Pluto From January 28 to 31 adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications. This is a good time to get to the bottom of troubling issues. You can uncover secrets through study and research, or through probing and questioning others. You can more easily gain a thorough understanding of mysteries and occult subjects like astrology. This would be an excellent time to visit a counselor or to gain greater understanding of the relationships dynamics of a partnership you are involved in.

Virgo 2017 Horoscope Decan 2
Previous Virgo Monthly Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Virgo January 2017

The new year brings new responsibilities with Saturn the main influence in your horoscope. The relationships planets Venus and Mars are first to feel the cold hand of Saturn. Use the positive transits listed below to overcome any fears or distance that enters you love life.

Saturn square your decan from December 2016 to December 2017 can represent a forced turning point where you feel pressured and burdened. It may feel like everything and everyone is against you during this tough time which can lead to feelings of isolation and discouragement. Your sense of purpose and your goals are being challenged by Saturn in the form of bosses, teachers, parents or the government.

Saturn trine Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 24. This transition is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically. You can find new days of doing old things without rocking the boat.

Mercury square your decan from January 2 to 14 can bring negative thoughts and harsh words. It is important to remember that you will be seeing the worst in everything and everyone. Poor instincts and a lack of judgement mean you will be misreading people and situations. Important meetings, negotiations and decisions should be scheduled for later in the month. Seek professional advice if you need to sign a contract.

Sun trine your decan from January 9 to 20 brings harmonious relationships because of an inner feeling of calm and balance. Your plans should work out well and your goals can be more easily achieved than at other times. Other people will not stand in your way, and you can expect favors or at least less resistance from others. Career advancement is favored because of increased confidence and ease.

The January 12 full moon extends this enjoyable Sun transit until the January 27 New Moon. Emotional balance and harmonious relationships should have you in a good mood most of the time. Your home, family and women in particular will be a great source of emotional nourishment and support.

Mars opposite your decan from January 14 to 29 presents a challenge you have to overcome in order to achieve a certain goal or simply to be yourself. Anger and frustration are likely as other people stand in your way or directly oppose your will. This is a difficult time to fully achieve what you want so you must choose your battles carefully. Unless your objectives are noble and not threatening to others, a tactical retreat may serve you best.

Mars square Saturn from January 16 to 22 brings a week or so of frustration and inhibition. Your desires grow stronger but it harder to express your passions and achieve success. The harder you push, the more resistance you will face. Authority figures and superiors such as your father, other dominant men or teachers and bosses may put you down, restrict your ambitions and stop you from achieving what you want. This is not a winning transit and the best approach now is a defensive one.

Venus opposite your decan from January 22 to February 4 increases your desires for love and affection but problems can arise if you lower you standards. You could enter a new relationship that is really not in your best interests. Lack of discipline and overindulgence are other things to be mindful of at the moment, not the best time to go on a spending spree or to ask for favors, especially borrowing money.

Venus square Saturn from January 25 to 30 can add stress to intimate relationships due to negative feelings, distance or other relationships problems. Most of these hindrances will stem from your own fears or criticisms, but you may face the same from others. To maintain harmony in relationships, it would be better to spend some time alone, but don’t ignore the affections and love of others either. Putting in the extra effort will reduce the risk of relationship dramas.

Mercury trine your decan again from January 30 to February 7 is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, in business or at work, and in your personal relationships. You will make a good impression on others so now is the perfect time to ask for a favor or apply for a new job or promotion. You can play an important role as a mediator if there has been any difficulties between friends or family lately. An excellent time for studies, exams, negotiations and contracts.

Libra Horoscope January 2017

January 2017 Libra horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

Libra Decan 1 born Sep 23 to Oct 2

Libra Decan 2 born Oct 3 to 12

Libra Decan 3 born Oct 13 to 22

Decan 1 Libra January 2017 Horoscope

Any anxiety or stress you felt over the Christmas period is likely to continue into early January 2017. Mercury is the main reason for communication problems but the retrograde phase end on January 8. Save important matters for the final week or two when more favorable transits begin.

Mercury square your decan from December 26 to January 10 can bring negative thoughts and harsh words. It is important to remember that you will be seeing the worst in everything and everyone. Poor instincts and a lack of judgement mean you will be misreading people and situations. Important meetings, negotiations and decisions should be scheduled for later in the month. Seek professional advice if you need to sign a contract.

Mercury retrograde from December 19 to January 8 means you have this same Mercury transit again later this month. While this Christmas Mercury retrograde may be ideal for deep research and uncovering secrets, you will need to be on guard against all manner of devious plots, lies and back stabbing. For those interested in astrology or psychology, this should be a time of deep self-analysis and discovery.

The December 29 New Moon lasts until the January 27 New Moon. Normally you would be wanting to start new projects during the waxing phase of the moon until the January 12 Full Moon. Not this time because of Mercury retrograde and the very challenging square aspect. It is easier said than done but positive thinking will help you during this confusing and sometimes depressing time.

Mercury square your decan again from January 11 to 25 still brings some mental stress but this time Mercury is moving in the right direction. This should reduce your stress levels but still take extra care with paperwork and important decisions. The confidence boosting Sun transit below will further reduce any relationships dramas from January 19.

Sun trine your decan from January 19 to 30 brings harmonious relationships because of an inner feeling of calm and balance. Your plans should work out well and your goals can be more easily achieved than at other times. Other people will not stand in your way, and you can expect favors or at least less resistance from others. Career advancement is favored because of increased confidence and ease.

The January 27 New Moon extends your fortunate Sun transit until the February 26 Solar Eclipse. This fresh boost of energy is perfect for making a new start in your personal or professional life. The best timing for starting your new project is from January 27 to theFebruary 10 Lunar Eclipse.

Mars opposite your decan from January 27 to February 11 presents a challenge you have to overcome in order to achieve a certain goal or simply to be yourself. Anger and frustration are likely as other people stand in your way or directly oppose your will. This is a difficult time to fully achieve what you want so you must choose your battles carefully. Unless your objectives are noble and not threatening to others, a tactical retreat may serve you best.

Libra 2017 Horoscope Decan 1
Previous Libra Monthly Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Libra January 2017 Horoscope

You start off the new year under some intense pressure which may leave you questioning your plans for the future. Most of the month should be business as usual. However, extra care is needed on the two most intense periods. Thankfully these Pluto alignments only last a few days.

Pluto square your decan this year means you are in for some major tests of character. It brings extreme forces in the form of other people and circumstances forcing you to stand up and be counted. Power conflicts are to be expected not only with authority figures like the law and bosses, but also in personal relationships.

Sun square your decan from December 31 to January 10 can represent a crisis in confidence because of challenges from events or from other people, most often from men or bosses, and teachers etc. Your ego is on the line, coming under pressure from others through arguments or challenges to your authority. This is not the time to push ahead but to hold onto what you have. A defensive approach is the best one now.

Sun conjunct Pluto from January 5 to 9 can lead power struggles. You may have to deal with underhand tactics such as controlling and manipulative behavior. Coming on too strong may cause relationships problems. Others may feel as if you are peering into their soul. Try to avoid interrogating loved ones and use your increased power to make positive transformation around you. Being selfless will bring the best results.

Mercury square your decan from January 22 to 31 can bring negative thoughts and harsh words. It is important to remember that you will be seeing the worst in everything and everyone. Poor instincts and a lack of judgement mean you will be misreading people and situations. Important meetings, negotiations and decisions should be scheduled for later in the month. Seek professional advice if you need to sign a contract. You had this same transit from December 10 to 27 when Mercury was retrograde. Similar themes as back then may arise this time.

Mercury conjunct Pluto From January 28 to 31 adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications. Avoid using your mental powers to deceive others. You have great power of persuasion and can influence other people. You can share spiritual truths just as easily as spreading propaganda. Power struggles are possible at the intellectual level, and this could involve thought projection and other non verbal ways of psyching people out.

Sun trine your decan from January 29 to February 9 brings harmonious relationships because of an inner feeling of calm and balance. Your plans should work out well and your goals can be more easily achieved than at other times. Other people will not stand in your way, and you can expect favors or at least less resistance from others. Career advancement is favored because of increased confidence and ease.

Libra 2017 Horoscope Decan 2
Previous Libra Monthly Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Libra January 2017 Horoscope

Uranus opposite your decan from April 2016 to March 2019 presents challenges as you feel the consequences of rapid or unexpected changes in your life. The unpredictable nature of these challenges means you are likely to be feeling on edge a lot of the time and have to react quickly to changing circumstances. Learning to adapt to change will be a key theme during this time.

Saturn sextile your decan from December 2016 to December 2017 is a time for steady progress toward your longer term goals. This stabilizing influence will lessen the extremes often associated with the Pluto transit above. You will find yourself taking a more responsible attitude to all your affairs, from work, to partners and your family. You may be called on to fulfill important duties or take on a leadership role.

Saturn trine Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 24. This transition is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically. You can find new days of doing old things without rocking the boat.

Jupiter in your decan from mid December 2016 to late March 2017 brings good times and good luck. It should give you a buoyant and enthusiastic energy, feeling larger than life, very optimistic, and keen to experience all you can. Others will pick up on your happy vibes so this is a good time to enjoy life and get out and about. Being more cheerful and generous, you will likewise attract the same in other people, and gain favors and possibly even some treasure.

Jupiter opposite Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 26. This greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want. There is likely to be particular sudden event that releases your built up tension and leads to a major change in circumstances.

Venus trine your decan from December 24 to January 3 should have you feeling and looking your best. This is a time of low stress when life flows smoothly with few cares or worries. A great time to start a vacation or enjoy pampering yourself with a beauty treatment. Increased personal beauty makes this a great time for dating or spending quality time with a loved one.

Mercury sextile your decan from January 2 to 14 brings good news and positive thinking. It increases your creative thought and mental activity, energizing all communications and interactions with other people. This will be a very busy period but these interactions are beneficial as you can project yourself strongly and clearly without upsetting anyone. Write down your thoughts in a diary or on the internet, renew old friendships or apply for a new job.

Sun square your decan from January 8 to 20 can represent a crisis in confidence because of challenges from events or from other people, most often from men or bosses, and teachers etc. Your ego is on the line, coming under pressure from others through arguments or challenges to your authority. This is not the time to push ahead but to hold onto what you have. A defensive approach is the best one now.

Sun square Uranus from January 8 to 12 requires open-mindedness and flexibility as you enter a stage of uncertainty. A buildup of nervous tension can result in unpredictable behavior on your part which can lead to abruptness, rapid changes in direction and even accidents. The best way to handle this erratic energy is to be proactive about positive change. Work out why you are feeling restless or what is causing the feeling of impending drama and chaos.

Sun square Jupiter from January 9 to 14 is like a double-edged sword. It can make you feel extremely confident, proud, lucky and optimistic. Because of Jupiter opposite Uranus, you will need to show respect, moderation and discipline. Don’t take on too many projects as this would end up wasting your energy and getting you nowhere in a hurry. Focus your energy on one or just a couple of projects. Have fun but don’t party too hard.

The January 12 full moon extends this challenging Sun transit until the January 27 new moon. You may feel more moody than usual and face some upsets with your family or partner. Sore private time is needed if you feel more sensitive to the negative energies in public or social activities.

Mercury square your decan from January 30 to February 7 can bring negative thoughts and harsh words. It is important to remember that you will be seeing the worst in everything and everyone. Poor instincts and a lack of judgement mean you will be misreading people and situations. Important meetings, negotiations and decisions should be scheduled for later in the month. Seek professional advice if you need to sign a contract.

Mercury square Uranus from January 30 to February 2 brings excitement and change to your daily routine and interactions which can cause upsets and nervous tension. You may receive unexpected news or experience something unexpected that forces you to change plans. The normal tempo of life increases and you may have an unsettling feeling of always having to catch up. Chance encounters with others are possible, but friendships made now are likely to be short-lived.

Scorpio Horoscope January 2017

January 2017 Scorpio horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

Scorpio Decan 1 born Oct 23 to Nov 1

Scorpio Decan 2 born Nov 2 to 11

Scorpio Decan 3 born Nov 12 to 21

Decan 1 Scorpio January 2017 Horoscope

Your new year begins in the same optimistic way 2016 ended. You social and love life look dreamy and you will be motivated to reach your goals. It is not until the final week or so of the month that a more conservative approach may be required.

Neptune trine your decan from September 2016 to January 2017 is most strongly affecting those born in late decan 1 Scorpio. It allows you to follow a more spiritual path that does not have to result from some health crisis or from losing your way. Your relationships and should deepen with greater spiritual connection between partners. There is also a good chance of meeting an ideal partner, a soul mate you can really connect with.

Mars trine your decan from December 18 to January 2 gives an increase in energy levels, self-confidence and sexual desire that is well-balanced and not aggressive or threatening to other people. This is a most favorable time to achieve your desires and to reach your goals. In all your relationships, love and professional, people warm to you and admire your directness and confidence.

Mercury sextile your decan from December 26 to January 5 brings clear thinking and sound judgment. This is usually the is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, perfect for signing contracts. However, Mercury is retrograde at this time as described below so maybe some important information is yet to come. Consider leaving final decision until later in the month when this transit returns with Mercury heading in the right direction.

Mercury retrograde from December 19 to January 8 means you have this same Mercury transit again later this month. While this Christmas Mercury retrograde may be ideal for deep research and uncovering secrets, you will need to be on guard against all manner of devious plots, lies and back stabbing. For those interested in astrology or psychology, this should be a time of deep self-analysis and discovery.

Sun sextile Neptune from December 28 to January 1 heightens your sensitivity and ability to read people and situations. Any intuitive or psychic abilities are enhanced under this spiritual transit. Greater empathy and receptivity by both you and others, means that all of your relationships will benefit from a shared understanding that may be non-verbal.

Mars conjunct Neptune from December 29 to January 3 can make your feel romantic and sensual or paranoid and delusional. How you handle this strange energy depends on how Mars and Neptune are aspecting your decan. If you are very sensitive and scare easily then you need to take precautions. If you are self-confident or consider yourself self-aware and evolved then you should enjoy this spiritual trip.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until theJanuary 27 New Moon but the best time for starting things is in the first 2 weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. The same philosophy applies to gardening. Plant during the waxing moon and harvest during the waning moon.

Venus trine your decan from January 2 to 14 should have you feeling and looking your best. This is a time of low stress when life flows smoothly with few cares or worries. A great time to start a vacation or enjoy pampering yourself with a beauty treatment. Increased personal beauty makes this a great time for dating or spending quality time with a loved one.

Mercury sextile Venus from January 2 to 4 is a fun-loving and friendly influence making this a great day or two to relax and unwind. Socializing should be more enjoyable now because of less stress and more harmony in your relationships. You will have a greater ability to express your love and affection meaning your intimate relationships can benefit from closer bonding. Doing business is also favored because of a good head for numbers and ability to find win-win situations.

Venus conjunct Neptune from January 10 to 14 brings the potential for new romance or more compassion and spiritual binding in an existing relationship. If you have some free time, this is an excellent time to indulge in a creative hobby or relax with a movie or your favorite music. You will find yourself being drawn to anything of beauty, and want to stay well away from any situations or environments which are harsh or aggressive.

Mercury sextile your decan again from January 11 to 25 brings good news and positive thinking. It increases your creative thought and mental activity, energizing all communications and interactions with other people. This will be a very busy period but these interactions are beneficial as you can project yourself strongly and clearly without upsetting anyone. Write down your thoughts in a diary or on the internet, renew old friendships or apply for a new job.

Mercury sextile Neptune from January 21 to 25 is good for relaxation, creativity, communication and spiritual pursuits. Your words become soothing and can actually be healing to others. All of your senses become acute, enabling you to pick up a lot of extra information through your intuition. You may even receive spiritual information through dreams, meditation, your spirit guide or through chance encounters.

Sun square your decan from January 19 to 30 can represent a crisis in confidence because of challenges from events or from other people, most often from men or bosses, and teachers etc. Your ego is on the line, coming under pressure from others through arguments or challenges to your authority. This is not the time to push ahead but to hold onto what you have. A defensive approach is the best one now.

The January 27 New Moon extends your testing Sun transit until the February 26 Solar Eclipse. This can add to the pressure you feel in your personal or professional life. If you are forced to make changes or compromises then the best time for doing so is from January 27 to theFebruary 10 Lunar Eclipse.

Scorpio 2017 Horoscope Decan 1
Previous Scorpio Monthly Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Scorpio January 2017 Horoscope

Harmonious conditions at the end of 2016 look to continue for the majority of January 2017. All areas of you life benefit for increasing power and influence. Extreme stamina and determination are a great recipe for success. It is not until the final days of the month that a more conservative approach may be required.

Pluto sextile your decan this year supports soul growth where changes and new opportunities increase your personal power and ability to reform your life for the better. Forces acting behind the scenes are helping you, which could manifest as assistance from bosses, other important people in your life, corporations or government agencies. Self confidence should be very high during this time, you should feel the heightened power and authority.

Neptune trine your decan from January 2017 to February 2021 is most strongly affecting those born in late Cancer decan 1. It allows you to follow a more spiritual path which does not have to result from some health crisis or from losing your way. This is a great transit for relationships and should deepen the spiritual connection between partners. There is also a good chance of meeting an ideal partner, a soul mate you can really connect with.

Sun sextile your decan from December 30 to January 10 gives power of personal expression which helps in self promotion and the achievement of goals. You should be feeling confident, proud and enthusiastic. This is an excellent time to make real progress with the things in life that mean a lot to you, work, relationships and longer term goals.

Sun conjunct Pluto from January 5 to 9 greatly increases your personal power and ability to influence the outcomes in your life. You have a talent now for deep research and investigation. This also applies at the psychological level where you can gain insights about any destructive behaviors such as obsessions and addictions. This is also a good time to get to the bottom of any serious relationships difficulties. Complex relationship dynamics will become clearer to you.

Mars trine your decan from January 1 to 15 gives an increase in energy levels, self-confidence and sexual desire that is well-balanced and not aggressive or threatening to other people. This is a most favorable time to achieve your desires and to reach your goals. In all your relationships, love and professional, people warm to you and admire your directness and confidence.

Mars sextile Pluto from January 8 to 13 gives a tremendous surge of energy to achieve your objectives and your passionate desires. This goal-directed energy is intense yet well-regulated, giving endurance and stamina. Once you have decided on a course of action, you will keep going with determination until you reach your objective. You will be projecting you physicality and sexuality strongly, and will appear most attractive in this state.

Venus trine your decan from January 12 to 23 should have you feeling and looking your best. This is a time of low stress when life flows smoothly with few cares or worries. A great time to start a vacation or enjoy pampering yourself with a beauty treatment. Increased personal beauty makes this a great time for dating or spending quality time with a loved one.

Venus sextile Pluto from January 18 to 22 deepens your love to an intense level. Companionship becomes more important as you feel a longing to share love with someone special. If single you may become obsessed with someone and not be able to get them out of your mind. Any new romance now would be a whirlwind experience and greatly change your life. If new love is not on offer, then hanging around friends or mixing in a group will meet you need to share and care.

Mercury sextile your decan from January 22 to 31 brings good news and positive thinking. It increases your creative thought and mental activity, energizing all communications and interactions with other people. This will be a very busy period but these interactions are beneficial as you can project yourself strongly and clearly without upsetting anyone. Write down your thoughts in a diary or on the internet, renew old friendships or apply for a new job. You had this same transit from December 10 to 27 when Mercury was retrograde. Similar themes as back then may arise this time.

Mercury conjunct Pluto From January 28 to 31 adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications. This is a good time to get to the bottom of troubling issues. You can uncover secrets through study and research, or through probing and questioning others. You can more easily gain a thorough understanding of mysteries and occult subjects like astrology. This would be an excellent time to visit a counselor or to gain greater understanding of the relationships dynamics of a partnership you are involved in.

Sun square your decan from January 29 to February 9 can represent a crisis in confidence because of challenges from events or from other people, most often from men or bosses, and teachers etc. Your ego is on the line, coming under pressure from others through arguments or challenges to your authority. This is not the time to push ahead but to hold onto what you have. A defensive approach is the best one now.

Scorpio 2017 Horoscope Decan 2
Previous Scorpio Monthly Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Scorpio January 2017 Horoscope

Your start to the new year favors lazing around but it is back to action after week one. A series of energetic yet harmonious transits to follow are great for both work and play.

Venus square your decan from December 24 to January 3 increases your need for love and affection but any underlying relationship tension may rise to the surface. This is especially true if you expect too much without first showing how much you care. Overindulgence with money is something to be careful of at this time as racking up unnecessary debt on the credit card is a real temptation.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until theJanuary 27 New Moon but the best time for starting things is in the first 2 weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. The same philosophy applies to gardening. Plant during the waxing moon and harvest during the waning moon.

Sun sextile your decan from January 9 to 20 gives power of personal expression which helps in self promotion and the achievement of goals. You should be feeling confident, proud and enthusiastic. This is an excellent time to make real progress with the things in life that mean a lot to you, work, relationships and longer term goals.

The January 12 full moon extends this enjoyable Sun transit until the January 27 New Moon. Emotional balance and harmonious relationships should have you in a good mood most of the time. Your home, family and women in particular will be a great source of emotional nourishment and support.

Mars trine your decan from January 14 to 29 gives an increase in energy levels, self-confidence and sexual desire that is well-balanced and not aggressive or threatening to other people. This is a most favorable time to achieve your desires and to reach your goals. In all your relationships, love and professional, people warm to you and admire your directness and confidence.

Venus trine your decan from January 22 to February 4 should have you feeling and looking your best. This is a time of low stress when life flows smoothly with few cares or worries. A great time to start a vacation or enjoy pampering yourself with a beauty treatment. Increased personal beauty makes this a great time for dating or spending quality time with a loved one.

Mercury sextile your decan from January 30 to February 7 brings good news and positive thinking. It increases your creative thought and mental activity, energizing all communications and interactions with other people. This will be a very busy period but these interactions are beneficial as you can project yourself strongly and clearly without upsetting anyone. Write down your thoughts in a diary or on the internet, renew old friendships or apply for a new job.

Sagittarius Horoscope 2017

eclipse phase is replaced by a more optimistic one. A similar longer term transition culminateses with a growth later this year, leading to more significant achievements in 2018.

Sagittarius horoscope 2017 with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

Sagittarius Decan 1 born Nov 22 to Dec 1
Sagittarius Decan 2 born Dec 2 to 11
Sagittarius Decan 3 born Dec 12 to 21

Decan 1 Sagittarius 2017 Horoscope

This year gets of to a shaky start with some character testing eclipses making you work harder than usual. From then on you actually have no long term influences but some good shorter term prospects for your love life. Your monthly horoscope will take on more significance this year due to the lack of outer planet transit.

The September 2016 solar eclipse square your decan will have a significant impact until the February 2017 eclipses. With it’s emphasis the fear, paranoia and fearmongering in the world, it would be normal to be feeling down some or even a lot of the time. However, this solar eclipse also marks the beginning of the end to this poisonous worry and fear. Within this eclipse phase there comes a transition to a brighter and safer year ahead.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 square your decan gives you an opportunity to turn your dreams into reality by drawing on your god given talents. You can look forward to enduring results especially in relationships, so long as you remain humble and grateful to a higher power. A solar eclipse square your decan brings tests and challenges which force you to work harder and overcome adversity. The influence of this wonderful solar eclipse remains active until the August 21 solar eclipse.

Venus retrograde from March 15 to April 4 is trine your decan. Your love life enters a fated period where you may relive past life experiences in order to sort out karmic issues. Old friends or lovers may reappear to continue where you left off. The positive nature of this aspect means you should enjoy the love and affection you deserve and may even find your soul mate. There may be further developments from April 27 to May 15 when Venus comes back trine your decan.

Venus in your decan from November 30 to December 10 is one of the best times of this year for your love life. Existing relationships can be improved or mended while this is the ideal time for dating. You will be feeling and looking more beautiful and sexy than usual. Expect compliments, offers and gifts. Socializing is favored because of your increased popularity, making this an ideal time to entertain others in your home. Financial dealings should go well, especially investments in jewelry, art and fashion.

Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope Decan 1
Sagittarius 2016 Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Sagittarius 2017 Horoscope

The testing conditions you endured for much of 2016 continue into early 2017. Some of you will still struggle to find direction but all of you can look forward to an extended lucky streak. The middle half of the year brings ample opportunities for success and happiness.

The September 2016 solar eclipse square your decan will have a significant impact until the February 2017 eclipses. With it’s emphasis the fear, paranoia and fearmongering in the world, it would be normal to be feeling down some or even a lot of the time. However, this solar eclipse also marks the beginning of the end to this poisonous worry and fear. Within this eclipse phase there comes a transition to a brighter and safer year ahead.

Neptune square your decan from March 2016 to February 2021 will be felt directly this year by those born from December 2 to 5. Those of you born later in Sagittarius decan 2 may begin feeling a subtle influence this year but not the full impact until coming years.

This deceptive influence may result in an increased level of insecurity, confusion or disappointment in your personal or professional life. There is also a heightened risk over over-idealizing people or circumstances. Deception and treachery are more likely if you let yourself get involved in relationships which seem too good to be true. Get you in touch with the real you without depending on material possession or fake friends.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 square your decan gives you an opportunity to turn your dreams into reality by drawing on your god given talents. You can look forward to enduring results especially in relationships, so long as you remain humble and grateful to a higher power. A solar eclipse square your decan brings tests and challenges which force you to work harder and overcome adversity. The influence of this wonderful solar eclipse remains active until the August 21 solar eclipse.

Venus retrograde from March 4 to 16 is trine your decan. Your love life enters a fated period where you may relive past life experiences in order to sort out karmic issues. Old friends or lovers may reappear to continue where you left off. The positive nature of this aspect means you should enjoy the love and affection you deserve and may even find your soul mate. There may be further developments from May 14 to 27 when Venus comes back trine your decan.

Jupiter sextile your decan from March 20 to August 24 should be a time of happiness and optimism when good things seem to come more easily. Health and vitality should be high which enables you to take full advantage of this very lucky transit. The growth which Jupiter bring not only applies to personal development and spirituality, but also materially. You may have some luck with finances and possession, growing your net worth. Good things are attracted to you!

Jupiter retrograde from February 6 to June 9 is the reason your lucky Jupiter transit lasts so long. Jupiter retrograde is a time of philosophical or spiritual introspection and reflection. Whatever area of growth you have been developing is so important, that extra time is needed to take stock. Are ready to receive the good fortune, new romance, or increased wealth you seek?

Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope Decan 2
Sagittarius 2016 Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Sagittarius 2017 Horoscope

Last year I told you your hard work would begin to pay off towards the end of 2016. This year is like a major milestone in your life with major advances to be expected in your professional but also your personal life. A year to be proud of your achievements.

The September 2016 lunar eclipse in your decan placed an emphasis on your home and family life. Intimate relationships should be a particular area of emotional strain through until February 2017. The lunar eclipse has a theme of anger but with options to channel your energy toward love and creativity. A willingness to be daring and make changes will help you move past the anger and onto the exciting possibilities.

Uranus trine your decan from from March 2016 to March 2019 allows you to make very important changes in your life. You can envision a more positive and progressive future for yourself. You are more free, less inhibited, and more comfortable and even proud of being a bit weird. Opportunities to meet more people from more varied backgrounds lead to new and exciting relationship. Even relationships with long-term partners can benefit from you experimental and more open-minded desires.

Saturn in your decan from December 2016 to December 2017 can leave you feeling run down and depressed. Much depends on how hard you have worked over the previous seven years. If you have acted responsibly and not left any loose ends, then this year could be a culmination of your efforts with recognition and promotion. There may also be restriction placed upon you, or extra burdens and responsibility to go along with the personal advancements.

Jupiter sextile your decan from December 18, 2016 to March 29, 2017 should be a time of happiness and optimism when good things seem to come more easily. Health and vitality should be high which enables you to take full advantage of this very lucky transit. The growth which Jupiter bring not only applies to personal development and spirituality, but also materially. You may have some luck with finances and possession, growing your net worth. Good things are attracted to you!

Jupiter opposite Uranus from December 9, 2016 to January 12, 2017 climaxes on 25 December 2016. This greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want. You can find adventure and personal growth through travel, education and new relationships while still maintaining certain core responsibilities in your life.

Jupiter retrograde from February 6 to June 9 you will have another bite of your lucky Jupiter transit later this year. Jupiter retrograde is a time of philosophical or spiritual introspection and reflection. Whatever area of growth you have been developing is so important, that extra time is needed to take stock. Are ready to receive the good fortune, new romance, or increased wealth you seek?

Saturn trine Uranus from May 1 to November 30 represents a transition phase in life. This is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. This is also a good time for experimentation and creative self-expression. You can find new ways of doing old things without rocking the boat. You could take the lead in your career to initiate needed changes and gain respect and recognition from your boss.

Jupiter sextile your decan from August 17 to October 13 should be a time of happiness and optimism when good things seem to come more easily. Health and vitality should be high which enables you to take full advantage of this very lucky transit. The growth which Jupiter bring not only applies to personal development and spirituality, but also materially. You may have some luck with finances and possession, growing your net worth. Good things are attracted to you!

Jupiter sextile Saturn from August 17 to September 8 climaxes on August 27. This is a time of cautious expansion. Some opportunities for growth are likely to be on offer and you can rely on sound judgement skills to only chose those opportunities that are right for you. These opportunities may be in your career, through investment or business deals, or in your personal life as major material possessions or relationship choices. Patience, perseverance and a strong work ethic mean you are most likely to succeed now.

Capricorn Horoscope January 2017

January 2017 Capricorn horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

Capricorn Decan 1 born Dec 22 to 31

Capricorn Decan 2 born Jan 1 to 10

Capricorn Decan 3 born Jan 11 to 19

Decan 1 Capricorn Horoscope January 2017

Mercury retrograde continues to complicate your life for the first week of the new year. Thankfully, Venus restores some tranquility and maybe even romance after that. Make the most of this relaxing period before you get busy again at the end of January 2017.

Neptune sextile your decan from September 2016 to January 2017 is most strongly affecting those born in late decan 1 Taurus. It has a subtle but overall positive effect on your outlook on life. It is likely that you will feel more connected in a spiritual way to your friends and family, viewing yourself more a part of the larger collective than ever before.

Mars sextile your decan from December 18 to January 2 increases your physical energy, courage and self-confidence. This enables you to go after your desires, to get what you want without having to face much opposition. The attractive energy that you radiate means that sexual relations with a love partner are most rewarding. This strong and sexy influence is ideal for dating and making a good impression.

Mercury in your decan from December 26 to January 5 brings clear thinking and sound judgment. This is usually the is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of life, perfect for signing contracts. However, Mercury is retrograde at this time as described below so maybe some important information is yet to come. Consider leaving final decision until later in the month when this transit returns with Mercury heading in the right direction.

Mercury retrograde from December 19 to January 8 means you have this same Mercury transit again later this month. While this Christmas Mercury retrograde may be ideal for deep research and uncovering secrets, you will need to be on guard against all manner of devious plots, lies and back stabbing. For those interested in astrology or psychology, this should be a time of deep self-analysis and discovery.

Mars conjunct Neptune from December 29 to January 3 can make your feel romantic and sensual or paranoid and delusional. How you handle this strange energy depends on how Mars and Neptune are aspecting your decan. If you are very sensitive and scare easily then you need to take precautions. If you are self-confident or consider yourself self-aware and evolved then you should enjoy this spiritual trip.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until theJanuary 27 New Moon but the best time for starting things is in the first 2 weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. The same philosophy applies to gardening. Plant during the waxing moon and harvest during the waning moon.

Venus sextile your decan from January 2 to 14 gives you excellent social skills so dating and making new friends is favored. Other people will really appreciate your genuine and friendly attitude. Compliments, gifts and favors are possible, and asking for some help with money would not be out or order. You can spend a little extra on parties and amusements.

Mercury sextile Venus from January 2 to 4 is a fun-loving and friendly influence making this a great day or two to relax and unwind. Socializing should be more enjoyable now because of less stress and more harmony in your relationships. You will have a greater ability to express your love and affection meaning your intimate relationships can benefit from closer bonding. Doing business is also favored because of a good head for numbers and ability to find win-win situations.

Venus conjunct Neptune from January 10 to 14 brings the potential for new romance or more compassion and spiritual binding in an existing relationship. If you have some free time, this is an excellent time to indulge in a creative hobby or relax with a movie or your favorite music. You will find yourself being drawn to anything of beauty, and want to stay well away from any situations or environments which are harsh or aggressive.

Mercury in your decan again from January 11 to 25 brings mental alertness, quick thinking and more interaction and communications with people. A rational mind allows you to speak clearly and easily explain your thoughts and ideas in a straightforward fashion. This is generally a favorable time for attending important meetings, appointments and business negotiations. Studies and exams should go well and this is a great time to apply for work because of your confident self-expression.

Mercury sextile Neptune from January 21 to 25 is good for relaxation, creativity, communication and spiritual pursuits. Your words become soothing and can actually be healing to others. All of your senses become acute, enabling you to pick up a lot of extra information through your intuition. You may even receive spiritual information through dreams, meditation, your spirit guide or through chance encounters.

Mars square your decan from January 27 to February 11 creates a buildup of energy inside and a strong desire to assert yourself in an aggressive manner. This can result in frustration, anger and conflict. Difficulties in all relationships but especially love relationships can occur at this time if you force your desires onto other people. Release this hot energy safely through exercise, sport or self-gratification.

Capricorn 2017 Horoscope Decan 1
Previous Capricorn Monthly Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Capricorn Horoscope January 2017

Your birthday herald a bright new phase in your life. Influence and optimism are keywords and you have a wonderful series of transits to set some big goals and attack them with enthusiasm.

Pluto in your decan this year heralds major life changing experiences with lasting changes in your life direction. Pluto has a reputation of stripping away things to the bare bone in order to facilitate soul evolution, however this does not have to be the case with this transit. There may be events which result in loss or separation, but only if those things are standing in the way of being true to yourself.

Neptune sextile your decan from January 2017 to February 2021 is most strongly affecting those born late in Taurus decan 1. It has a subtle but overall positive effect on your outlook on life. It is likely that you will feel more connected in a spiritual way to your friends and family, viewing yourself more a part of the larger collective than ever before.

Sun in your decan from December 31 to January 10 means birthday time. You will find it easier to express your identity and be yourself. The focus is now on you and your goals for the year ahead. Time to draw a line under the previous year and to make a confident fresh start. Individuality and expression of that comes easier because it is the self that is in focus. The extra energy is put to best use by expressing what you want, what your goals are, and getting the ball rolling. This is the best transit of all for setting new goals.

Sun conjunct Pluto from January 5 to 9 greatly increases your personal power and ability to influence the outcomes in your life. You have a talent now for deep research and investigation. This also applies at the psychological level where you can gain insights about any destructive behaviors such as obsessions and addictions. This is also a good time to get to the bottom of any serious relationships difficulties. Complex relationship dynamics will become clearer to you.

Mars sextile your decan from January 1 to 15 increases your physical energy, courage and self-confidence. This enables you to go after your desires, to get what you want without having to face much opposition. The attractive energy that you radiate means that sexual relations with a love partner are most rewarding. This strong and sexy influence is ideal for dating and making a good impression.

Mars sextile Pluto from January 8 to 13 gives a tremendous surge of energy to achieve your objectives and your passionate desires. This goal-directed energy is intense yet well-regulated, giving endurance and stamina. Once you have decided on a course of action, you will keep going with determination until you reach your objective. You will be projecting you physicality and sexuality strongly, and will appear most attractive in this state.

Venus sextile your decan from January 12 to 23 gives you excellent social skills so dating and making new friends is favored. Other people will really appreciate your genuine and friendly attitude. Compliments, gifts and favors are possible, and asking for some help with money would not be out or order. You can spend a little extra on parties and amusements.

Venus sextile Pluto from January 18 to 22 deepens your love to an intense level. Companionship becomes more important as you feel a longing to share love with someone special. If single you may become obsessed with someone and not be able to get them out of your mind. Any new romance now would be a whirlwind experience and greatly change your life. If new love is not on offer, then hanging around friends or mixing in a group will meet you need to share and care.

Mercury in your decan from January 22 to 31 brings mental alertness, quick thinking and more interaction and communications with people. A rational mind allows you to speak clearly and easily explain your thoughts and ideas in a straightforward fashion. This is generally a favorable time for attending important meetings, appointments and business negotiations. Studies and exams should go well and this is a great time to apply for work because of your confident self-expression. You had this same transit from December 10 to 27 when Mercury was retrograde. Similar themes as back then may arise this time.

Capricorn 2017 Horoscope Decan 2
Previous Capricorn Monthly Horoscope Decan 2s

Decan 3 Capricorn Horoscope January 2017

You start the new year with so much going on you may feel pulled in different directions. The level of complexity in your life will subside by mid January 2016. This coincides with a well-timed boost to your energy levels and a more enjoyable encounters.

Uranus square your decan from April 2016 to March 2019 is likely to be a time of disruption as Uranus tests you with unexpected changes which affect your routine and life in general. Change may come from within you especially if you feel you have not been able to live as you truly wish, being constrained by others or circumstance. The key to handling this period is to think outside the box. Remain flexible and be prepared to move on if you get signals that you are on the wrong path.

Saturn trine Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 24. This transition is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically. You can find new days of doing old things without rocking the boat.

Jupiter square your decan from mid December 2016 to late March 2017 brings hope and optimism with an urge to expand your horizons. Jupiter tends to exaggerate and this will apply to your confidence and ego. You can get lucky and popular now,and it’s OK to be proud of your achievements. However, being too vain or expecting too much of others may cause relationship problems.

Jupiter opposite Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 26. This greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want. There is likely to be particular sudden event that releases your built up tension and leads to a major change in circumstances.

Sun in your decan from January 8 to 20 means birthday time. You will find it easier to express your identity and be yourself. The focus is now on you and your goals for the year ahead. Time to draw a line under the previous year and to make a confident fresh start. Individuality and expression of that comes easier because it is the self that is in focus. The extra energy is put to best use by expressing what you want, what your goals are, and getting the ball rolling. This is the best transit of all for setting new goals.

Sun square Uranus from January 8 to 12 requires open-mindedness and flexibility as you enter a stage of uncertainty. A buildup of nervous tension can result in unpredictable behavior on your part which can lead to abruptness, rapid changes in direction and even accidents. The best way to handle this erratic energy is to be proactive about positive change. Work out why you are feeling restless or what is causing the feeling of impending drama and chaos.

Sun square Jupiter from January 9 to 14 is like a double-edged sword. It can make you feel extremely confident, proud, lucky and optimistic. Because of Jupiter opposite Uranus, you will need to show respect, moderation and discipline. Don’t take on too many projects as this would end up wasting your energy and getting you nowhere in a hurry. Focus your energy on one or just a couple of projects. Have fun but don’t party too hard.

The January 12 full moon extends this enjoyable Sun transit until the January 27 New Moon. Emotional balance and harmonious relationships should have you in a good mood most of the time. Your home, family and women in particular will be a great source of emotional nourishment and support.

Mars sextile your decan from January 14 to 29 increases your physical energy, courage and self-confidence. This enables you to go after your desires, to get what you want without having to face much opposition. The attractive energy that you radiate means that sexual relations with a love partner are most rewarding. This strong and sexy influence is ideal for dating and making a good impression.

Venus sextile your decan from January 22 to February 4 gives you excellent social skills so dating and making new friends is favored. Other people will really appreciate your genuine and friendly attitude. Compliments, gifts and favors are possible, and asking for some help with money would not be out or order. You can spend a little extra on parties and amusements.

Mercury in your decan from January 30 to February 7 brings mental alertness, quick thinking and more interaction and communications with people. A rational mind allows you to speak clearly and easily explain your thoughts and ideas in a straightforward fashion. This is generally a favorable time for attending important meetings, appointments and business negotiations. Studies and exams should go well and this is a great time to apply for work because of your confident self-expression.

Mercury square Uranus from January 30 to February 2 brings excitement and change to your daily routine and interactions which can cause upsets and nervous tension. You may receive unexpected news or experience something unexpected that forces you to change plans. The normal tempo of life increases and you may have an unsettling feeling of always having to catch up. Chance encounters with others are possible, but friendships made now are likely to be short-lived.

Aquarius Horoscope January 2017

January 2017 Aquarius horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

Aquarius Decan 1 born Jan 20 to 29

Aquarius Decan 2 born Jan 30 to Feb 8

Aquarius Decan 3 born Feb 9 to 18

Decan 1 Aquarius Horoscope January 2017

Two alignments to mystical Neptune offer romance but also some strange experiences to start the new year. A more self-assured attitude around your birthday should result in success with your courage and confidence on the rise.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until theJanuary 27 New Moon but the best time for starting things is in the first 2 weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. The same philosophy applies to gardening. Plant during the waxing moon and harvest during the waning moon.

Mars conjunct Neptune from December 29 to January 3 can make your feel romantic and sensual or paranoid and delusional. How you handle this strange energy depends on how Mars and Neptune are aspecting your decan. If you are very sensitive and scare easily then you need to take precautions. If you are self-confident or consider yourself self-aware and evolved then you should enjoy this spiritual trip.

Venus conjunct Neptune from January 10 to 14 brings the potential for new romance or more compassion and spiritual binding in an existing relationship. If you have some free time, this is an excellent time to indulge in a creative hobby or relax with a movie or your favorite music. You will find yourself being drawn to anything of beauty, and want to stay well away from any situations or environments which are harsh or aggressive.

Sun in your decan from January 19 to 30 means birthday time. You will find it easier to express your identity and be yourself. The focus is now on you and your goals for the year ahead. Time to draw a line under the previous year and to make a confident fresh start. Individuality and expression of that comes easier because it is the self that is in focus. The extra energy is put to best use by expressing what you want, what your goals are, and getting the ball rolling. This is the best transit of all for setting new goals.

The January 27 New Moon extends your fortunate Sun transit until the February 26 Solar Eclipse. This fresh boost of energy is perfect for making a new start in your personal or professional life. The best timing for starting your new project is from January 27 to theFebruary 10 Lunar Eclipse.

Mars sextile your decan from January 27 to February 11 increases your physical energy, courage and self-confidence. This enables you to go after your desires, to get what you want without having to face much opposition. The attractive energy that you radiate means that sexual relations with a love partner are most rewarding. This strong and sexy influence is ideal for dating and making a good impression.

Aquarius 2017 Horoscope Decan 1
Previous Aquarius Monthly Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Aquarius Horoscope January 2017

You may feel the tempo slow down as you enter the new year. Two significant transits have just ended from Jupiter and Saturn so now you can concern yourself with lighter maters. Despite some intense Pluto alignment you should have a relatively carefree month.

The December 29 New Moon lets you restart or reset your goals. This moon phase lasts until theJanuary 27 New Moon but the best time for starting things is in the first two weeks. This waxing phase of the moon lasts until the January 12 Full Moon. Stay tuned for an update about the major themes from this final moon phase of 2016.

Sun conjunct Pluto from January 5 to 9 can lead power struggles. You may have to deal with underhand tactics such as controlling and manipulative behavior. Coming on too strong may cause relationships problems. Others may feel as if you are peering into their soul. Try to avoid interrogating loved ones and use your increased power to make positive transformation around you. Being selfless will bring the best results.

The January 12 full moon will increase your emotional sensitivity until the January 27 New Moon. Emotional balance and harmonious relationships should have you in a good mood most of the time. Your home, family and women in particular will be a great source of emotional nourishment and support.

Mercury conjunct Pluto From January 28 to 31 adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications. Avoid using your mental powers to deceive others. You have great power of persuasion and can influence other people. You can share spiritual truths just as easily as spreading propaganda. Power struggles are possible at the intellectual level, and this could involve thought projection and other non verbal ways of psyching people out.

Sun in your decan from January 29 to February 9 means birthday time. You will find it easier to express your identity and be yourself. The focus is now on you and your goals for the year ahead. Time to draw a line under the previous year and to make a confident fresh start. Individuality and expression of that comes easier because it is the self that is in focus. The extra energy is put to best use by expressing what you want, what your goals are, and getting the ball rolling. This is the best transit of all for setting new goals.

Aquarius 2017 Horoscope Decan 2
Previous Aquarius Monthly Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Aquarius Horoscope January 2017

You begin the new year with very significant long-term influences combining to bring wonderful surprises and great opportunities to get ahead. It is a rare thing to have three harmonious long-term transits at the same time. Take advantage of your good fortune, especially in the first week of the month.

Uranus sextile your decan from April 2016 to March 2019 lets you express yourself more fully, more in tune with who you really are. This will be liberating and you may be pleasantly surprised by how your ego gets a lift from a new and unique personality. Gaining more freedom is likely and air travel would be a good way to experience more of the world. Meeting new and unusual people is another theme of this transit as is more involvement with friends and groups.

Saturn sextile your decan from December 2016 to December 2017 is a time for steady progress toward your longer term goals. This stabilizing influence will lessen the extremes often associated with the Pluto transit above. You will find yourself taking a more responsible attitude to all your affairs, from work, to partners and your family. You may be called on to fulfill important duties or take on a leadership role.

Saturn trine Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 24. This transition is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically. You can find new days of doing old things without rocking the boat.

Jupiter trine your decan from mid December 2016 to late March 2017 is a time of good feelings and well-being. This is the perfect time to make the effort to get ahead while there is less likelihood of facing opposition or challenges. Your personal relationships can be enriched by your positive attitude and sociability, as can your own personal growth and self-esteem. Lady luck is on your side.

Jupiter opposite Uranus from mid December 2016 to mid January 2017 climaxes on December 26. This greatly increases your need for personal freedom and excitement. You will feel a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping you from having fun and doing what you want. There is likely to be particular sudden event that releases your built up tension and leads to a major change in circumstances.

Venus in your decan from December 24 to January 3 attracts beautiful people and things. This is an excellent time for giving and receiving love and affection, spending time with loved ones, dating and socializing with friends. Venus rules money as well as love so this should be a good time financially. Spend some money on yourself by getting a makeover and buying clothes or jewelry.

Mercury sextile your decan from January 2 to 14 brings good news and positive thinking. It increases your creative thought and mental activity, energizing all communications and interactions with other people. This will be a very busy period but these interactions are beneficial as you can project yourself strongly and clearly without upsetting anyone. Write down your thoughts in a diary or on the internet, renew old friendships or apply for a new job.

Pisces Horoscope January 2017

Pisces horoscope 2017 with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

Pisces Decan 1 born Feb 19 to 28
Pisces Decan 2 born Feb 29 to Mar 10
Pisces Decan 3 born Mar 11 to 20

Decan 1 Pisces 2017 Horoscope

The improving conditions of 2016 continue to gather momentum this year. You will notice a big change around your birthday as a challenging

The September 2016 solar eclipse opposite your decan will have a significant impact until the February 2017 eclipses. With it’s emphasis the fear, paranoia and fearmongering in the world, it would be normal to be feeling down some or even a lot of the time. However, this solar eclipse also marks the beginning of the end to this poisonous worry and fear. Within this eclipse phase there comes a transition to a brighter and safer year ahead.

Mercury retrograde sextile your decan from December 26, 2016 to January 4, 2017 can bring communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays and lost items. You can also expect to dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past. Take extra care with your words and try not to react too quickly in any arguments or when provoked. Take some time out if you start to feel overwhelmed by the hectic pace, and double-check all of your emails and posts on Facebook before hitting the send button.

Venus in your decan from January 2 to 13 is one of the best times of this year for your love life. Existing relationships can be improved or mended while this is the ideal time for dating. You will be feeling and looking more beautiful and sexy than usual. Expect compliments, offers and gifts. Socializing is favored because of your increased popularity, making this an ideal time to entertain others in your home. Financial dealings should go well, especially investments in jewelry, art and fashion.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 near your decan gives you an opportunity to turn your dreams into reality by drawing on your god given talents. You can look forward to enduring results especially in relationships, so long as you remain humble and grateful to a higher power. The success and happiness flowing from this eclipse remains active in your 2017 solar return chart until your next birthday.

Jupiter trine your decan from October 7 to November 28 is a time of good feelings and well-being. The normal challenges and strains of life seem to fade away. There is a great opportunity to make money on investments and all sorts of financial deals. Your personal relationships can be enriched by your positive attitude and sociability, as can your own personal growth and self-esteem. An ideal time to broaden your horizons and general knowledge through study and long distance travel.

Saturn sextile your decan from December 2017 to December 2018 is a time for steady progress toward your longer term goals. You will find yourself taking a more responsible attitude to all your affairs, from work, to partners and your family. This is a great opportunity to express your leadership qualities and you may be called on to fulfill important duties. Slow but steady progress with finances and investments, the main point here is that you are likely to act in a conservative manner with an eye on longer term profits.
Monthly Pisces Horoscope Decan 1
Pisces 2016 Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Pisces 2017 Horoscope

You have a much better year ahead compared to 2016. You have a very special birthday this year with a February solar eclipse being a good omen for the rest of 2017. Use your strong determination to take advantage of a very fortunate close to 2017 by making your dream come true.

The September 2016 solar eclipse opposite your decan will have a significant impact until the February 2017 eclipses. With it’s emphasis the fear, paranoia and fearmongering in the world, it would be normal to be feeling down some or even a lot of the time. However, this solar eclipse also marks the beginning of the end to this poisonous worry and fear. Within this eclipse phase there comes a transition to a brighter and safer year ahead.

Pluto sextile your decan from January 2013 to December 2018 will be felt directly this year by those born from March 7 to 10. Those of you born earlier in Pisces decan 2 have already experienced this life changing transit but should still feel some after effects.

This is a year of great soul growth where changes and new opportunities will increase you personal power and ability to reform your life for the better. You will feel more driven to get ahead and achieve your goals. Relationships will seem more intense but in a good way with deeper mutual understanding. Self confidence should be very this year as you enjoy more power and authority.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 in your decan gives you an opportunity to turn your dreams into reality by drawing on your god given talents. You can look forward to enduring results especially in relationships, so long as you remain humble and grateful to a higher power. The success and happiness flowing from this eclipse remains active in your 2017 solar return chart until your next birthday.

Neptune in your decan from March 2016 to February 2021 will be felt directly this year by those born from February 29 to March 4. Those of you born later in Pisces decan 2 may begin feeling a subtle influence this year but not the full impact until coming years.

A more spiritual outlook on life which can be very illuminating but also make you feel very vulnerable. Your previously well-defined self-image and personal boundaries will start to dissolve around you. Spiritual evolution involves this sublimation of your ego so you become more in-tune with the collective. Along the way it is normal to feel confused, insecure and overly sensitive.

Jupiter trine your decan from November 23, 2017 to January 25, 2018 is a time of good feelings and well-being. The normal challenges and strains of life seem to fade away. There is a great opportunity to make money on investments and all sorts of financial deals. Your personal relationships can be enriched by your positive attitude and sociability, as can your own personal growth and self-esteem. An ideal time to broaden your horizons and general knowledge through study and long distance travel.

Jupiter trine Neptune from November 23 to December 13 culminates on December 2, 2017. This encourages hope, generosity and community spirit. You may undertake a spiritual quest to seek the truth. There may be destined encounters with priests, guru’s or psychics. You can follow your dreams for success without needing to sacrifice your ego or material possessions. Wealth, fame and glamour may come but above you should feel happy and content. Romance is also possible as others find you mysteriously attractive.

Monthly Pisces Horoscope Decan 2
Pisces 2016 Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Pisces 2016 Horoscope

I know you have not enjoyed some of the good fortune that other decans seem to have had lately. There will be more opportunities for increased happiness and success towards the end of 2016 but I’m afraid you must endure some more challenges before you get there. Read some of the many comments on the Saturn transit linked to below to find tips and tricks on how to navigate this testing phase of life.

The September 2016 lunar eclipse in your decan placed an emphasis on your home and family life. Intimate relationships should be a particular area of emotional strain through until February 2017. The lunar eclipse has a theme of anger but with options to channel your energy toward love and creativity. A willingness to be daring and make changes will help you move past the anger and onto the exciting possibilities.

Saturn square your decan from December 2016 to December 2017 can represent a forced turning point where you feel pressured and burdened. It may feel like everything and everyone is against you during this tough time which can lead to feelings of isolation and discouragement. Once this transit passes then your confidence and enthusiasm will grow again and you can start building new foundations with a better sense of purpose and more strength.

Mercury retrograde square your decan from January 2 to 8 can bring communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays and lost items. You can also expect to dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past. Take extra care with your words and try not to react too quickly in any arguments or when provoked. Take some time out if you start to feel overwhelmed by the hectic pace, and double-check all of your emails and posts on Facebook before hitting the send button.

Venus retrograde from April 1 to 15 is in your decan. Your love life enters a fated period where you may relive past life experiences in order to sort out karmic issues. Old friends or lovers may reappear to continue where you left off. The positive nature of this aspect means you should enjoy the love and affection you deserve and may even find your soul mate. There may be further developments from April 16 to 30 when Venus comes back through your decan.

Saturn trine Uranus from May 1 to November 30 represents a transition phase in life. This is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. This is also a good time for experimentation and creative self-expression. You can find new ways of doing old things without rocking the boat. You could take the lead in your career to initiate needed changes and gain respect and recognition from your boss.

Jupiter sextile Saturn from August 17 to September 8 climaxes on August 27. This is a time of cautious expansion. Some opportunities for growth are likely to be on offer and you can rely on sound judgement skills to only chose those opportunities that are right for you. These opportunities may be in your career, through investment or business deals, or in your personal life as major material possessions or relationship choices. Patience, perseverance and a strong work ethic mean you are most likely to succeed now.

Monthly Pisces Horoscope Decan 3
Pisces 2016 Horoscope Decan 3